Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

  • Kelsie Moore
  • June 30, 2024 08:03am
  • 249

Former Biden staffer Jamie Metzl urges the president to withdraw from the race, citing concerns about Biden's health and cognitive abilities during Thursday's debate.

### **Article:**

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Jamie Metzl, who worked for President Biden as deputy staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee two and a half decades ago, has publicly expressed his belief that the president should decline the Democratic nomination for the 2023 presidential election. Metzl's assessment stems from his observations of Biden's performance during the recent presidential debate, which he found concerning.

Metzl, who holds Biden in high regard, emphasized that his call for the president to step aside is not a reflection of Biden's first-term accomplishments. Rather, it is based on his concerns about Biden's capacity to effectively serve as president for the next four and a half years, given the demanding nature of the role.

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Metzl highlighted Biden's noticeable cognitive decline compared to how he was 25 years ago, attributing it to the natural effects of aging. He believes that Biden's age and the responsibilities of the presidency will make it challenging for him to perform at the necessary level throughout the duration of his term.

Metzl described watching the debate as "deeply painful" and likened Biden's performance to that of King Lear, suggesting a decline in his mental faculties. He emphasized the importance of honesty and self-assessment within the Democratic Party and the need to acknowledge Biden's diminished capacity.

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Despite Metzl's concerns, Biden's team has firmly stated that he intends to remain in the race. However, Metzl remains hopeful that Biden will reconsider his decision and prioritize the well-being of the country by passing the torch to a younger generation.

Metzl acknowledged the challenges faced by potential replacement candidates, given the short time frame before the Democratic convention. He suggested several strong candidates, including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear.

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Senior Biden Aide Calls for President to Drop Out After Devastating Debate Performance

Metzl expressed his admiration for Biden's ethics, integrity, and contributions to the nation. He urged Biden to make a final act of patriotism by withdrawing from the race, believing that it would be a testament to his legacy and a selfless act for the country's future.

Metzl's call for Biden to drop out of the race has sparked discussions within the Democratic Party. While Biden's team remains resolute in their support for his candidacy, Metzl's concerns have raised questions about the president's ability to effectively lead the nation for the next four and a half years. The Democratic Party will need to carefully consider Metzl's perspectives as they navigate the path ahead.

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