'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

  • Salvador Treutel
  • August 27, 2024 02:03pm
  • 104

On the three-year anniversary of the deadly Kabul airport attack that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members, Gold Star father Mark Schmitz holds Vice President Kamala Harris equally responsible for the tragedy, accusing her of complicity in President Biden's failed withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Three years after the heart-wrenching terrorist attack at Afghanistan's Kabul airport, Gold Star parents have reignited their scathing condemnation of the Biden-Harris administration. While President Biden has borne the brunt of criticism, Gold Star father Mark Schmitz is determined to hold Vice President Kamala Harris accountable for her role in the tragedy that claimed the life of his son, Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz.

"She owns this as much as he [Biden] does," Schmitz asserted on "Fox & Friends." "She's following in the policies that Joe Biden has ushered in during his presidency, and obviously, neither one of them know what the heck they're doing. And that terrifies me, because we know we can't bring our kids back."

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

Schmitz's unwavering demand for accountability stems from his profound grief and frustration with the administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. He believes that both Biden and Harris have failed to honor the sacrifices made by their loved ones.

"What we want to see is the military that is out in the field right now – those families are never going to be put through what we've been put through," Schmitz emphasized. "It's been absolutely shameful."

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

In a statement marking the anniversary, Harris expressed sympathy for the families and honored the fallen service members. However, Schmitz dismissed her words as empty platitudes.

"As I have said, President Biden made the courageous and right decision to end America’s longest war," Harris stated. "Over the past three years, our Administration has demonstrated we can still eliminate terrorists, including the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS, without troops deployed into combat zones."

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

Schmitz countered by arguing that the withdrawal was anything but courageous, leaving Americans behind and emboldening the enemy.

"He made a flawed decision, a political decision," Schmitz asserted. "And we've seen the consequences of that, not only in the lives of the 13 that were killed, but in the lives of the families that have been devastated by this."

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

Schmitz's pain is compounded by the fact that his grief has extended beyond the loss of his son. Consumed by sorrow, one of Chappell's other sons later took his own life.

Gold Star mother Shana Chappell, who lost her son Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui in the attack, echoed Schmitz's condemnation.

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

'She Owns This': Gold Star Dad Demands Accountability from Harris in Abbey Gate Attack

"I blame Biden for the death of my son," Chappell declared. "The Biden administration is 100% at fault for why my son lost his life."

Chappell expressed deep concern about the direction of the country, believing that her son's sacrifice has been in vain.

"Now I look at the way our country is going, and I think this is not what my son died for," she lamented.

The National Security Council has defended Biden's commitment to service members, highlighting his attendance at memorial services and expressing gratitude for their sacrifices. However, Gold Star families remain unconvinced, demanding more than mere words from the administration that they believe has failed them.

As the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate attack passes, Gold Star families continue to grapple with their grief and seek accountability. Mark Schmitz's unwavering determination to hold Vice President Kamala Harris responsible for her role in the tragedy underscores their unwavering pursuit of justice and honor for their fallen loved ones.

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