Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

  • Dr. Thalia Reynolds
  • September 19, 2024 04:03pm
  • 342

House Speaker Mike Johnson's proposal to require proof of citizenship in the voter registration process was defeated on Wednesday, drawing criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

House Speaker Mike Johnson's attempt to avoid a partial government shutdown by linking it to a measure requiring proof of citizenship in the voter registration process has failed, setting off tensions within the House GOP.

Johnson's plan, which was initially backed by former President Donald Trump, faced opposition from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers. At least nine Republicans voted against the bill, along with two who voted present, while three Democrats voted in favor.

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

The discord within the GOP stems from objections to the stop-gap spending patch, known as a continuing resolution (CR), as well as concerns about the impact of a six-month funding extension on military readiness.

Vocal supporters of the bill, such as Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, urged their colleagues to come forward with a better plan. However, Johnson allies believe the SAVE Act is worth fighting for, arguing it would strengthen the party's negotiating position with the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

Democrats have demanded a "clean" CR free from conservative policy riders, while senior lawmakers from both parties have suggested that a CR through December is the best course of action.

Despite Johnson's insistence that he had no "plan B," he is now caught between two warring Republican factions – one that wants him to leverage a partial government shutdown, and one that is reluctantly conceding that the House GOP may have no choice but to pass a "clean" CR into December.

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

Trump, who initially backed the Johnson plan, has since advocated for a government shutdown if Republicans do not receive "absolute assurances on election security." However, a majority of Republicans are privately conceding that they would bear the brunt of public anger over a shutdown weeks before Election Day.

Vulnerable Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., has stated that there will be no shutdown, reflecting the reluctance of many Republicans to take such a risk so close to the election.

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

Speaker Johnson's Voting Security Plan Fails, Raising GOP Tensions

The failure of Johnson's plan has exposed deep divisions within the House GOP and raised questions about the party's ability to unify ahead of the upcoming midterm elections. The outcome of the negotiations over government funding and the potential for a shutdown remain uncertain, with Johnson caught in the crossfire of competing demands within his own ranks.

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