Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

  • Prof. Verda Schaden III
  • July 4, 2024 10:03am
  • 287

Despite progress made through the Pentagon's "Strategy for Resilient & Healthy Defense Communities" program, several lawmakers demand swifter action from the Army branch to address hazardous living conditions at stateside bases, including Fort Liberty/Fort Bragg, as highlighted in a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report.

As America celebrates Independence Day nationwide, a somber reality lingers for some of those responsible for preserving our liberty: squalid living conditions at U.S. military bases, despite the exposure of hazardous conditions in a damning Government Accountability Office (GAO) report months ago. A group of lawmakers has penned a letter to Army brass, expressing concerns about the continued poor living conditions at several bases, including North Carolina's sprawling Fort Liberty/Fort Bragg.

Led by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.), whose district encompasses the massive installation, the letter urges Army Secretary Christine Wormuth to rectify the "completely unacceptable" living conditions. While acknowledging some progress, Hudson emphasizes the need for more immediate and effective solutions.

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

"Not only is better quality housing key to help meet recruitment and retention goals, it is critical to ensuring our military’s readiness," Hudson said, highlighting the detrimental impact substandard living conditions can have on both recruitment and the overall health and morale of service members.

The lawmakers' letter underscores the urgency of addressing the "substandard indoor environmental conditions" present at several military installations, citing major health risks and long-term chronic illnesses that can arise from such living environments. These conditions, they maintain, pose a serious threat to the recruitment, retention, and combat-readiness of the armed forces.

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

The letter draws upon findings from the 2023 GAO report, which revealed hazardous conditions at 12 unnamed military bases. The report included disturbing images of sewage overflow, water-damaged ceilings, and infestations of black mold. The GAO concluded that Pentagon officials had failed to provide adequate oversight, leaving it up to individual military branches to resolve the issues.

Despite some progress made through the Pentagon's "Strategy for Resilient & Healthy Defense Communities" program, the lawmakers assert that the evidence in the GAO report remains largely unaddressed. They commend corrective actions taken at Fort George G. Meade in Maryland but emphasize the need for broader and more comprehensive solutions.

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-Pa.) spoke to the concerns expressed by military families in his Lancaster-area district. He described the conditions they described as "appalling," emphasizing that there is no excuse for such substandard and dangerous living environments.

"The Department of Defense must act without delay to respond to our concerns," Smucker said.

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

Squalid Conditions at U.S. Military Bases: Lawmakers Demand Swift Action

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), a former counterintelligence specialist embedded with U.S. special forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom, echoed the concerns of his colleagues. He stated that military service is a noble calling and that service members deserve better.

"Especially at a time when there are people illegally crossing our border and being housed in luxury accommodations, it is of the utmost importance that we make our military families a priority," Fitzpatrick said.

In their letter, the lawmakers request specific details from Army officials regarding actions to be taken with remaining 2024 funding to address the issues. They also inquire about plans to use empirical standards and benchmarks to ensure future progress.

In response to the lawmakers' concerns, U.S. Army spokesperson Matt Ahearn acknowledged the need for high-quality barracks for enlisted personnel. He stated that Army senior leaders remain committed to improving barracks conditions and enhancing the living experience for service members, with a view to promoting well-being, readiness, recruitment, and retention. Ahearn confirmed that the Army will respond directly to the lawmakers.

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