Sri Lankan Nationals Arrested in India over Alleged ISIS Ties

  • Graham Lockman MD
  • July 3, 2024 08:03am
  • 294

Several Sri Lankan nationals have been detained in India due to suspected connections with the terrorist organization ISIS. The arrests were made at an airport following a tip-off from authorities.

Indian authorities have apprehended a group of Sri Lankan nationals at an airport over alleged links to ISIS. According to officials, the arrests were made based on a tip-off received by law enforcement agencies.

The detained individuals were reportedly attempting to travel to another destination, and their suspected connections to ISIS are currently under investigation. Authorities have not disclosed specific details about the nature of the alleged links or the individuals' intended activities.

Sri Lankan Nationals Arrested in India over Alleged ISIS Ties

Sri Lankan Nationals Arrested in India over Alleged ISIS Ties

Sri Lanka has been grappling with the issue of terrorism and extremism in recent years, particularly since the Easter Sunday bombings in 2019 that targeted Christian churches and hotels, killing over 250 people. The government has since stepped up its efforts to combat terrorism, including through increased surveillance and the arrest of suspected extremists.

The connection between the arrested Sri Lankan nationals and ISIS raises concerns about the potential involvement of foreign terrorist organizations in the region. ISIS, a designated terrorist group known for its violent and extremist ideology, has been operating in various parts of the world, including the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

Sri Lankan Nationals Arrested in India over Alleged ISIS Ties

Sri Lankan Nationals Arrested in India over Alleged ISIS Ties

The arrests of the Sri Lankan nationals serve as a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by terrorism and the need for continued vigilance by law enforcement agencies. International cooperation and information sharing are crucial in combating terrorist networks and preventing their activities.

Meanwhile, in a separate incident, at least 60 people have died and scores more have been injured in a stampede at a religious gathering in northern India. The incident occurred in a village in Uttar Pradesh state during an event led by religious leader Bhole Baba.

Medical officials have reported that over 150 people were admitted to hospitals with injuries. Police officer Rajesh Singh said overcrowding may have been a factor in the stampede, as initial reports suggested that over 15,000 people had gathered for the event, which had permission to host about 5,000.

One survivor, Jyoti, who goes only by her first name, told local media that the stampede happened quickly as soon as the event ended. "Everyone was in a rush to leave ... There was no way out and people were falling on each other," she said.

Bodies were being brought to hospitals and morgues by trucks and private vehicles, government official Matadin Saroj said. The stampede took place about 217 miles southwest of state capital Lucknow.

Deadly stampedes are relatively common during Indian religious festivals, where large crowds gather in small areas with few safety measures.

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