Supreme Court Plummets in Popularity as Voters Decry Partisanship and Conservatism

  • Isabella Reinger
  • July 17, 2024 08:03pm
  • 115

A new Fox News survey reveals a sharp decline in approval ratings for the Supreme Court, with a record number of Americans believing it is too conservative and that partisanship influences its decisions.

The Supreme Court has faced a significant loss of public confidence in recent weeks, according to a new Fox News national survey. The poll, conducted after the Supreme Court's decision to grant presidential immunity and before the dismissal of the indictment against former President Donald Trump, found that only 38% of voters approve of the court's job performance, down 20 points since March 2017.

The decline in approval has been particularly pronounced among Democrats and independents, with Democratic support dropping by 48 points since 2017 and independent support falling by 29 points. Republicans, on the other hand, have seen a 12-point increase in approval.

Supreme Court Plummets in Popularity as Voters Decry Partisanship and Conservatism

Supreme Court Plummets in Popularity as Voters Decry Partisanship and Conservatism

In addition to the low approval ratings, the survey also found that a record-high 45% of voters believe the Supreme Court is too conservative. This represents a significant increase from 34% just two years ago. Conversely, only 19% now feel the court is too liberal, down from a high of 45% in 2015.

The survey also revealed a growing perception that partisanship plays a role in the justices' decisions. More than 80% of voters believe that political views at least sometimes influence the court's rulings. Democrats are particularly likely to hold this view, with 88% agreeing that partisanship plays a role.

The decline in the Supreme Court's popularity could have implications for the 2024 presidential election. Biden and Trump are locked in a tight race, and the court could become a key issue. Trump has received slightly more backing among those who believe he would better handle Supreme Court nominations than Biden.

The survey also found that there is strong support for establishing a mandatory retirement age for justices (81% approve) and limiting them to an 18-year term (78% approve). Both proposals have gained support since July 2022, particularly among Republicans.

Overall, the Fox News survey paints a bleak picture of the Supreme Court's current standing in the eyes of the American public. Voters are increasingly concerned about the court's conservatism, its susceptibility to partisanship, and its lack of legitimacy.

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