Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

  • Dejah Frami
  • June 27, 2024 09:04pm
  • 271

The Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 in favor of the Biden administration in a lawsuit alleging government collusion with social media platforms to suppress views on COVID-19. The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Board condemned the ruling, suggesting it gives the government free rein to engage in social media censorship.

**Paragraph 1:** The Supreme Court has issued a major ruling that has raised concerns about the potential for increased government censorship of social media. In a 6-3 decision, the Court sided with the Biden administration in a lawsuit alleging that the government colluded with social media platforms to suppress views on the COVID-19 pandemic. The ruling has elicited mixed reactions, with some experts praising it as a necessary affirmation of the government's ability to protect the public, while others fear it could give the government excessive power to silence dissenting voices.

**Paragraph 2:** The lawsuit, Murthy v. Missouri, was brought by states and individuals who claimed that federal officials violated their First Amendment rights by pressuring tech companies to censor their posts. Lower courts had ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, but the Supreme Court majority reversed those decisions, arguing that the plaintiffs lacked legal standing to sue.

Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

**Paragraph 3:** Writing for the majority, Justice Amy Coney Barrett stated that the plaintiffs had failed to show that the government's actions had caused them specific harm. She also noted that the tech platforms had "moderated" other content before the government engaged with them and that the platforms continued to exercise "independent judgment" after they were approached.

**Paragraph 4:** Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, and Neil Gorsuch dissented from the ruling, arguing that the majority had "ducked the free-speech merits" of the case. Alito warned that the ruling could open the door to "stealth censorship" by the government.

Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

**Paragraph 5:** The Wall Street Journal's Editorial Board, in an unusually harsh condemnation of the ruling, suggested that it would give the government a "license to do more stealth censoring." The Board argued that the ruling could come back to haunt both liberals and conservatives in the future.

**Paragraph 6:** Others, however, welcomed the ruling, arguing that it affirm

Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

Supreme Court Ruling on First Amendment and Social Media Censorship

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