Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

  • Gianni Bernier
  • June 28, 2024 09:04pm
  • 306

The recent Supreme Court ruling in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo overturned the decades-old Chevron doctrine, shifting the power balance from unelected federal bureaucrats to the American people and their elected representatives in Congress.

The Supreme Court has delivered a significant victory to Americans stifled by crushing government regulations, overturning the longstanding Chevron deference doctrine that granted excessive power to unelected bureaucrats. This landmark decision restores the balance of powers and empowers citizens to hold their government accountable.

The Chevron doctrine, established in 1984, required judges to defer to federal agencies' interpretations of statutes when the law was deemed "ambiguous." This carte blanche authority allowed agencies to bypass Congress and set their own policies, amassing power unchecked.

Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, fishermen challenged the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) requirement that they host government employees on their vessels at a steep cost per day. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the fishermen, striking down the Chevron doctrine as unconstitutional.

This decision represents a major setback for the administrative state, which has grown unchecked over the past decades. Bureaucrats have wielded immense control over American lives, destroying businesses and suppressing industries while accumulating power for themselves.

Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

The Loper Bright victory empowers Congress to resume its lawmaking role without interference from unelected agencies. Lawmaking authority should reside with Congress, not the administrative state, as it did prior to the Chevron doctrine.

The disproportionate impact of overregulation on working families and small businesses has been well-documented. Americans lack the resources to comply with burdensome laws and regulations, stifling economic growth and opportunity.

Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

Supreme Court's Overhaul of Chevron Deference Empowers Americans

The Supreme Court's ruling in Loper Bright restores the separation of powers and curtails an out-of-control regulatory state that has disproportionately harmed working families. However, the battle is not over.

Congress must not relinquish its legislative duties back to regulatory agencies. It is their constitutional responsibility to pass laws, subject to the scrutiny and accountability of the American people.

Forty years of Chevron deference have upset the constitutional balance of powers. Today, that balance has been restored, along with the government's accountability to the people. Congress must now seize this opportunity to fulfill its mandate and enact laws that protect and empower Americans.

By overturning Chevron deference, the Supreme Court has taken a crucial step towards curbing the excesses of the administrative state. It is now up to Congress to ensure that this victory is not in vain, and that the power remains firmly in the hands of the American people and their elected representatives.

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