Tencent Pulls Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese App Stores in Revenue-Sharing Dispute

  • Mr. Irving Lubowitz II
  • June 22, 2024 10:04pm
  • 234

Tencent has removed its popular mobile game Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from multiple app stores in China, citing a dispute over revenue sharing and other terms of service. The move marks the latest clash between Tencent and app store owners, and is the most public blowup to date.

Tencent's decision to pull Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese app stores is a significant development in the ongoing battle between app developers and store owners. The move highlights the growing tension over revenue sharing and other terms of service, and is likely to have implications for the future of mobile gaming in China.

Tencent's dispute with app stores stems from its belief that the current revenue sharing model is unfair. The company has argued that app stores take too large a cut of sales, leaving developers with little room for profit. Tencent has also expressed concerns about other terms of service, such as the requirement that developers use the app store's payment system.

Tencent Pulls Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese App Stores in Revenue-Sharing Dispute

Tencent Pulls Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese App Stores in Revenue-Sharing Dispute

The removal of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese app stores is the most high-profile example to date of Tencent's dispute with app store owners. The game was released earlier this year in May and quickly became one of the most popular mobile games in China. Its removal from app stores is a major blow to Tencent's revenue and is likely to impact the game's long-term success.

Tencent has responded to the removal of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile by directing players to download the game directly from its website. The company has also issued a statement criticizing the revenue sharing model of app stores and calling for more equitable terms of service.

Tencent's actions have drawn comparisons to Tim Sweeney, the CEO of Epic Games. Sweeney has been a vocal critic of Apple's App Store and has previously pulled games from the store in protest of its policies. Tencent's actions suggest that it may be taking a similar approach to Epic Games in its own battle with app store owners.

The removal of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese app stores is likely to have a significant financial impact on Tencent. The game was one of the most popular mobile games in China and was expected to generate substantial revenue for the company. The loss of this revenue is likely to put pressure on Tencent's bottom line.

The removal of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile is also likely to have a broader impact on the Chinese mobile gaming market. The game's popularity had made it a major competitor to other popular mobile games such as Honor of Kings and PUBG Mobile. Its removal from app stores could open up opportunities for these other games to gain additional market share.

It remains to be seen how Tencent will respond to the removal of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese app stores. The company may continue to pursue legal action against app store owners or it may explore alternative distribution channels for its games. It is also possible that Tencent will negotiate a new revenue sharing agreement with app store owners.

The removal of Dungeon & Fighter Mobile from Chinese app stores is a significant development in the ongoing battle between app developers and store owners. The move highlights the growing tension over revenue sharing and other terms of service, and is likely to have implications for the future of mobile gaming in China.

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