The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

  • Tyshawn Monahan II
  • August 26, 2024 10:04am
  • 363

The Biden-Harris administration's focus on equity in national security has created a vulnerability that terrorists are exploiting. From an open border to a weakened TSA, experts warn that the administration's DEI agenda is putting the nation at risk.

In 2021, the Biden-Harris administration implemented a racial equity executive order, instructing federal agencies to prioritize equity in all policies and programs. This mandate has had a significant impact on national security, as agencies like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have shifted their focus away from countering terrorism and towards advancing equity.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

DHS's equity plan aims to "augment efforts to equitably provide communities with the tools and resources they need to prevent… terrorism." However, experts argue that this focus on equity has come at the expense of national security.

Victoria Coates, a former national security advisor to President Trump, calls the equity agenda "disastrous" for national security. "This is literally a road to anarchy," she said.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

Under the equity plan, DHS has identified "barriers to equitable outcomes" at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and proposed new training to reduce inequity. However, critics argue that this focus on equity could compromise security measures.

The Biden-Harris administration's equity agenda has also affected immigration enforcement. In 2021, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued guidelines specifying that border security deportations must not "exercise our discretionary authority" in a way that causes "inequitable outcomes."

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

Since then, Border Patrol encounters have skyrocketed, jumping from 1 million in 2021 to 3.3 million in 2023. The current stat for 2024 is 2.5 million encounters, which does not account for the number of illegal aliens who penetrated the border undetected.

Terrorists have been capitalizing on the opportunity posed by the more porous Southern Border. In June, eight Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS were apprehended by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Nearly 100 illegal immigrants on the terror watch list have also been released into the United States during the Biden administration.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

While the Biden-Harris administration has prioritized domestic terrorists, experts argue that this focus is overhyped compared to the threat from foreign terrorist organizations. Bill Roggio, a foreign terror expert at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said, "I do you think the greatest threat at the moment is actually Islamic State."

FBI Director Christopher Wray has also testified about the alarming threat level of a terrorist attack. In April, he said there was increasing "potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russia concert hall."

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

The Biden-Harris Administration's Equity Agenda: A Threat to National Security

In conclusion, the Biden-Harris administration's equity agenda has weakened national security by creating vulnerabilities at the border, TSA, and other agencies. Experts warn that terrorists are exploiting this vulnerability, posing a significant threat to the United States.

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