The Bragg Case Fiasco: A Disappointment for the Media

  • Alberta Bartell
  • May 22, 2024 09:03am
  • 239

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld comments on Michael Cohen's admission of stealing $30,000 from the Trump Organization during the Trump hush money trial, highlighting its significance in undermining the prosecution's case and the subsequent reactions from the media.

The Bragg Case Fiasco: A Disappointment for the Media

In the ongoing Trump hush money trial, the defense rested on Tuesday, signaling that Trump would not take the stand, a decision likely based on the weakness of the prosecution's case. Yesterday, Trump's attorney relentlessly cross-examined the prosecution's star witness, Michael Cohen, exposing numerous inconsistencies and lies in his testimony.

Cohen's admission of stealing $30,000 from the Trump Organization has dealt a significant blow to the prosecution's case. This revelation has stunned the media, who had been anticipating a damning takedown of Trump. Cohen, once considered a key witness against Trump, now appears to have undermined the credibility of the entire case.

The Bragg Case Fiasco: A Disappointment for the Media

CNN's Jake Tapper expressed shock at Cohen's admission, describing it as "stunning." MSNBC hosts acknowledged that Cohen's theft could fatally undermine the prosecution's case, raising questions about his previous claims against Trump.

However, Lawrence O'Donnell, an MSNBC host, attempted to defend Cohen by suggesting that his actions did not constitute theft but rather an attempt to "rebalance" his bonus. This bizarre explanation was met with widespread ridicule and dismissed as an obvious attempt to rationalize Cohen's wrongdoing.

The Bragg Case Fiasco: A Disappointment for the Media

The media's reaction to Cohen's admission has been a mixture of disbelief and disappointment. They had invested heavily in the prosecution's case, expecting it to deliver a decisive blow to Trump. Instead, they have been left with a weakened case and a damaged key witness.

The Bragg case fiasco is a reminder of the dangers of political prosecutions. The left's eagerness to use the legal system to target their opponents has resulted in a miscarriage of justice and a waste of taxpayer money.

The Bragg Case Fiasco: A Disappointment for the Media

The case has also exposed the bias of many in the media, who have eagerly embraced any negative information about Trump while ignoring evidence that contradicts their narrative. This selective reporting erodes public trust in the media and undermines their credibility as a source of objective information.

The left's ongoing lawfare against Republicans, targeting them with criminal and civil litigation, disbarment proceedings, and election interference cases, is a grave threat to our democracy. It is a blatant attempt to silence political opponents and suppress dissent.

The Bragg Case Fiasco: A Disappointment for the Media

Despite the setbacks in the Trump trial, Trump remains popular among Republican voters and is leading in the polls in swing states. The left's lawfare tactics have failed to diminish his support and are likely to backfire in the 2024 election.

If Trump is elected, he will have control of the Department of Justice, which could be used to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the political prosecutions. As the saying goes, payback can be a Clinton.

Judge Juan Merchan, who has presided over the Trump trial, has shown bias against the defense, threatening to strike testimony from the record and accusing Trump's lawyers of intimidating him. This behavior is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of the trial.

It is time for Judge Merchan to strike this entire affair and allow America to move on from this political witch hunt. The country deserves a fair and impartial justice system, not one that is used as a tool of partisan persecution.

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