The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

  • Ashly Zboncak
  • July 3, 2024 07:04am
  • 251

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld decries the Democrats' reliance on "extreme fantasy" to attack President Trump, arguing that their apocalyptic rhetoric is a drug to escape reality and that their focus on Trump is a distraction from their own failed policies.

Greg Gutfeld, host of Fox News' "Gutfeld!", launched a scathing attack on the Democrats' response to the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity, accusing them of relying on "extreme fantasy" and fabricating crimes against President Trump to distract from their own failures.

In the wake of the ruling, prominent Democrats such as Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have suggested that Trump could potentially use his newfound immunity to assassinate political rivals, organize a military coup, and take bribes. Gutfeld dismissed these claims as "B.S." and "hilarious," arguing that such actions would face impeachment and trial proceedings.

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

The Fox News host criticized the media for amplifying these outlandish scenarios, pointing out that the ruling merely sets limits on presidential power and does not grant immunity for all actions. He accused the Democrats of using these hypothetical situations as a pretext to avoid discussing the real problems facing the nation.

"If Biden handlers thought they could drone the RNC, Biden's teleprompter would read ready, aim, fire, and Biden would say ready, aim, fire, end of quote," Gutfeld quipped, mocking the suggestion that Trump would use drones to target political opponents.

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

Gutfeld also highlighted the contradiction in the Democrats' approach to Trump. If he is truly as evil as they claim, he asked, why do they have to resort to fabricating crimes against him? And if defeating him is so crucial to saving the world, why are they running such a weak candidate in Joe Biden?

"But you see, if they don't make this story all about the Trump apocalypse, we're back to an unfit Biden," Gutfeld argued. "So they pivot back to the same preposterous place-- Trump derangement fueled by hysteria."

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

Gutfeld attributed the Democrats' reliance on this rhetoric to their need to escape reality and their failed policies. "Life sucks right now, but if I just take more of this fantasy pill, it temporarily goes away," he said. "But instead, it gets worse because this apocalyptic filter yields no accurate predictions."

The Fox News host concluded by declaring that the Supreme Court ruling marks the end of an era where hoaxes were the foundation for power. He expressed hope that the nation can now return to a focus on governance based on ability and not imaginary threats like Trump's supposed immunity.

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality

The End of Trump Derangement and the Dawn of Reality
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