The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

  • Lupe Bode
  • June 8, 2024 01:04am
  • 133

For nearly four years, Hunter Biden insisted the laptop containing incriminating emails and other documents was not his or was planted by Russia. However, an FBI agent confirmed the laptop's authenticity in court, revealing the extent of the lie that influenced the 2020 presidential election.

The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

Hunter Biden's criminal trial in Delaware has exposed the depths of deception surrounding the laptop containing compromising information that cast a shadow over the 2020 presidential election. For years, Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden, denied the authenticity of the laptop, claiming it was stolen or fabricated by Russian agents.

The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

However, the trial has shattered that illusion. FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen testified that the MacBook Pro 13 in question contained original and authentic material, including emails, text messages, photographs, and documents. This evidence, corroborated by Hunter Biden's subpoenaed iCloud account, confirms the laptop's credibility.

The FBI, which seized the laptop in December 2019, withheld this vital information from the public for 11 months prior to the 2020 election. Not only did they remain silent, but they also pressured social media companies to suppress the New York Post's reporting on the laptop's contents. Facebook and Twitter complied, censoring the story and suspending accounts that attempted to share it.

The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

Simultaneously, Joe Biden and his media allies doubled down on the lie, denouncing the laptop as fake and a Russian smear campaign. Major news organizations, without verifying the information independently, parroted this narrative, assuring Americans that the laptop was debunked.

Only after Biden was sworn in as President did the press acknowledge the laptop's authenticity, without apologies or mea culpas. Polling data suggests that the laptop story, if accurately reported and disseminated, could have swayed the election results.

The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

Joe Biden's motivation for embracing the laptop lie was clear. The material revealed the extent of his involvement in his son's influence-peddling schemes, which netted tens of millions of dollars from foreign adversaries. These funds were funneled through shell companies and distributed to Biden family members.

The evidence points to a massive corruption scandal involving both Joe and Hunter Biden. Yet, no charges have been brought under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Foreign Agents Registration Act, or U.S. bribery and conspiracy statutes. IRS whistleblowers have alleged that Biden's Department of Justice has blocked any efforts to prosecute these serious offenses to protect the President and his son.

The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

Ironically, the laptop has now become the centerpiece of Hunter Biden's trial, where he is accused of lying about his drug use on a firearm application. The defense claims he was not aware of his addiction and, therefore, did not knowingly lie. However, the evidence against him is overwhelming.

The outcome of the trial remains uncertain. The Biden family's influence in Delaware could lead to a sympathetic jury and jury nullification, where the jury disregards the evidence and statutes to acquit because they desire it.

The Laptop Lie: Hunter Biden's Trial Exposes the Cover-Up That Shook the 2020 Election

Despite the potential for acquittal, one crucial truth has emerged: the laptop was authentic, and the Biden family's lies about it influenced the 2020 election. Joe and Hunter Biden have yet to acknowledge their deception, but the truth has prevailed.

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