The Media's Cognitive Dissonance on Biden's Fitness

  • Dr. Lorenz Kuhlman
  • July 9, 2024 07:04am
  • 197

Fox News host Sean Hannity accuses the media of feigning outrage at President Biden's cognitive decline while being complicit in covering it up.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has launched a scathing attack on the media and Democrats, accusing them of hypocrisy and complicity in the "cover-up" of President Biden's cognitive decline. According to Hannity, the media is now feigning outrage and shock at Biden's poor performance in the recent debate, despite having been aware of his deteriorating mental state for years.

Hannity asserts that Biden's cognitive impairment has been evident since before he assumed office, citing his limited press conferences, unscripted events, and the unusual gait that has led to repeated falls. He also points to the reduced number of public events on Biden's calendar and the tightly controlled nature of those appearances.

The Media's Cognitive Dissonance on Biden's Fitness

The Media's Cognitive Dissonance on Biden's Fitness

The Fox News host argues that the majority of Americans have long recognized Biden's unsuitability for the presidency and that the media has actively deceived the public by covering up this reality. He accuses them of gaslighting Americans into believing that genuine videos of Biden's struggles were fabricated.

Hannity claims that the media has been complicit in the "cabal" of individuals who are running the country behind Biden's façade. He asserts that these "Biden enablers" include the state-run media, far-left bureaucrats, and unelected officials who are exploiting Biden's cognitive decline to advance their agenda.

Hannity argues that the debate performance has exposed the truth about Biden's mental state, leading to widespread recognition of his unfitness to serve. He now contends that Americans face a choice between a constitutional republic and a government controlled by a cabal of individuals who are using Biden as a puppet.

Hannity emphasizes the importance of the upcoming election, claiming that it will determine the fate of the country. He urges Americans to reject the "Biden enablers" and the "deep state" and to choose a candidate who is capable of leading the nation.

Hannity's claims have been met with mixed reactions, with some supporting his allegations and others dismissing them as partisan attacks. However, the debate has sparked renewed scrutiny of Biden's mental acuity and raised questions about his ability to effectively lead the country.

The media's coverage of the debate has been criticized for focusing primarily on Biden's performance while largely ignoring that of his opponent. Some have accused the media of double standards, noting that similar criticisms were leveled against President Trump during his presidency.

The ongoing debate over Biden's cognitive fitness is likely to continue in the lead-up to the election. Hannity's comments have reignited the issue, underscoring the importance of transparency and accountability in politics.

Whether or not the media has been complicit in a cover-up of Biden's cognitive decline is a matter of perspective. However, there is no denying that the issue has become a central focus of the national debate, with implications that could shape the outcome of the election.

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