The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

  • Neoma Spinka
  • July 11, 2024 03:03pm
  • 174

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld takes aim at the liberal media's hypocrisy in covering up President Biden's cognitive decline, accusing them of being complicit in the deception.

For weeks, we've witnessed the spectacle of a hoax unraveling before our very eyes. The liberal media, once quick to criticize President Donald Trump's alleged cognitive decline, has been silent as Joe Biden's own deficiencies become increasingly apparent.

This is not cruelty on our part; it is the righteous indignation of victims who have been lied to and insulted for years, all to conceal the truth about a compromised leader. The media's feigned concern over Biden's well-being is a desperate attempt to deflect attention from their own complicity.

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

Joy Reid, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Joy Behar have all expressed outrage at criticism of Biden's mental state, conveniently forgetting their relentless attacks on Trump. It's a double standard that reveals their true motive: political expediency.

The media's hypocrisy is only exceeded by their arrogance. They claim to be the gatekeepers of truth, yet they have been complicit in perpetuating a hoax that undermines our democracy. Their belated attempts at backtracking are nothing more than damage control, as they frantically try to distance themselves from a story they can no longer deny.

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

Biden's admission that he is "sharpest before 8 p.m." raises serious questions about his ability to fulfill the duties of the presidency, especially in times of crisis. If he is incapacitated after dark, then who is running the country?

The media's response to these concerns has been to dismiss them as partisan attacks. However, the questions being raised are legitimate and must be answered. If Biden is not capable of leading, then he must step aside.

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

Democrats have justified their support for Biden by claiming that Trump is an existential threat. Yet, if Trump were truly such a menace, why would they run a candidate who is mentally frail?

This discrepancy exposes the true nature of the Democrat's agenda: power at any cost. They are willing to sacrifice the well-being of the country to advance their own political goals.

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

The media's role in this deception has been shameful. They have abandoned their journalistic responsibilities to become cheerleaders for the Democrat Party. Their willingness to ignore the truth in order to protect their political allies has irrevocably damaged their credibility.

As the hoax continues to unravel, the media will attempt to distract us with fabricated stories and red herrings. We must remain vigilant, calling out their dishonesty and demanding accountability.

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

The Media's Hoax Implodes: Biden's Incapacities Revealed

Only by exposing the truth and holding those responsible to account can we restore integrity to our political discourse and ensure that our democracy is based on truth and transparency.

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