The New Frontier of Misinformation: "Cheap Fakes" and the White House's Spin Machine

  • Holden Koch DVM
  • June 21, 2024 06:04pm
  • 184

The Biden administration and its allies in the media have resorted to a new tactic to dismiss growing concerns about the president's cognitive abilities: labeling viral clips of his behavior as "cheap fakes." This strategy has been met with criticism from experts and has raised questions about the role of the press in shaping the public's perception of elected officials.

### Article:

The New Frontier of Misinformation:

The New Frontier of Misinformation: "Cheap Fakes" and the White House's Spin Machine

In recent months, there has been an avalanche of viral videos circulating online that have prompted questions about President Biden's cognitive decline. Critics have pointed to footage of the president freezing, wandering aimlessly, and making seemingly incoherent statements. In response to these concerns, the White House and its allies in the media have dismissed the videos as "cheap fakes."

The term "cheap fakes" refers to videos that have been manipulated using basic editing techniques, such as speeding up or slowing down footage or cutting out context. While not as sophisticated as "deepfakes," which use artificial intelligence to create realistic-looking forgeries, these "cheap fakes" can still be effective in spreading misinformation.

The New Frontier of Misinformation:

The New Frontier of Misinformation: "Cheap Fakes" and the White House's Spin Machine

The Biden administration has been quick to label any video that paints the president in an unflattering light as a "cheap fake." White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has even falsely claimed that some of these videos are "deepfakes." This has led to accusations that the administration is trying to gaslight the public by denying the obvious.

Unfortunately, many in the media have been eager to parrot the White House's spin. NBC News, The Washington Post, and CNN have all published articles dismissing the viral videos as "false" or "deceptively edited." These outlets have even gone so far as to attack those who raise concerns about Biden's mental acuity.

The New Frontier of Misinformation:

The New Frontier of Misinformation: "Cheap Fakes" and the White House's Spin Machine

Media and political analysts have expressed concern about the use of "cheap fakes" and the media's role in disseminating them. Jeffrey McCall, a journalism professor at DePauw University, has warned that "selective editing of video and putting spin on interpretations of events has been going on in American politics for a long time." He added that it is "surprising, however, how eager the establishment media have been to parrot the White House spin."

The use of "cheap fakes" and the media's complicity in promoting them has raised serious concerns about the integrity of our democratic process. By denying reality and gaslighting the public, the Biden administration and its allies are undermining trust in the media and making it more difficult for voters to make informed decisions.

The New Frontier of Misinformation:

The New Frontier of Misinformation: "Cheap Fakes" and the White House's Spin Machine

It is crucial for the media to remain independent and skeptical of government claims. They must not allow themselves to become mouthpieces for the administration, even when it is politically expedient. The public deserves to know the truth about the president's health and cognitive abilities.

The controversy surrounding "cheap fakes" is also having a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election. Republicans are using the videos to cast doubt on Biden's fitness for office, while Democrats are dismissing them as partisan attacks. This issue is likely to remain a flashpoint in the months leading up to the election.

The rise of "cheap fakes" and the White House's spin machine pose a serious threat to our democracy. It is more important than ever for the media to remain independent and skeptical, and for the public to be vigilant in their pursuit of truth and accountability.

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