The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

  • Miss Kamille Feest
  • October 5, 2024 09:03pm
  • 136

The New York Times has called out President Joe Biden for avoiding substantial questions from the press, while liberal celebrities continue to threaten to leave the country if their preferred candidates lose elections.

The New York Times has criticized President Joe Biden for his reluctance to face tough questions from the media. In a recent interview, the newspaper's Magazine Ethicist columnist addressed a reader's question about the ethical implications of leaving the country if the "wrong" candidate becomes president.

Without naming former President Donald Trump, the reader, a well-educated, upper-middle-class white person, expressed concerns about the U.S. falling into authoritarianism. They posed a moral dilemma: do Americans have an obligation to stay and protect the country if its democratic institutions are failing, or is it acceptable to leave?

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

Ethicist columnist Kwame Anthony Appiah compared the question to the G.K. Chesterton complaint that to say "my country, right or wrong," was like saying "my mother, drunk or sober." He argued that true patriotism involves both pride and shame and a commitment to improving the country rather than giving it a free pass.

While Appiah admitted that leaving the country might be seen as unpatriotic, he did not believe it was a moral obligation to stay and sacrifice oneself. However, he expressed his own desire to remain in the U.S. if he believed it was on the brink of disaster, to help bring it back from ruin.

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

The New York Times has a history of endorsing Democratic candidates for president, including endorsing every Democrat since John F. Kennedy in 1960. This week, the newspaper endorsed Kamala Harris for the presidency.

Liberal celebrities have often threatened to flee the country if Donald Trump was elected president. Comedian Bill Maher has criticized these stars, pointing out that they have not followed through on their vows.

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

Maher argues that America is worth defending and that quitters are not needed. He believes that entitled whiners who threaten to leave have no perspective and do not appreciate the privileges they enjoy.

Maher recalled several celebrities who promised to leave the U.S. if Trump became president, including Miley Cyrus, Eddie Griffin, and George Lopez. Despite their threats, they have all remained in the country.

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

The New York Times Criticizes Biden for Avoiding Media Questions

Similarly, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has said he would leave the U.S. if Trump wins a second term. He fears political retaliation due to his cooperation with investigations into his former boss.

In conclusion, President Biden has faced criticism for avoiding media questions, while liberal celebrities continue to make empty threats to leave the country based on election outcomes. Critics argue that true patriotism involves addressing and fixing problems rather than fleeing from them.

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