The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

  • Miss Queen Tremblay PhD
  • June 29, 2024 02:03am
  • 137

Following a disastrous debate performance, the New York Times editorial board calls for President Biden to step aside, citing concerns about his age and declining mental acuity.

The New York Times has ignited a political firestorm with a groundbreaking editorial calling on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. This bold move comes after Biden's shaky performance in his first debate against former President Donald Trump, raising questions about his ability to serve another term.

The Times editorial board minced no words in its assessment, bluntly declaring that "Biden is not the man he was four years ago." They characterized his debate performance as "the shadow of a great public servant," highlighting his struggles to articulate his vision for a second term, respond to Trump's attacks, and maintain focus.

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

The editorial board went on to express concerns about Biden's age and health, stating that the president "has been an admirable president" but "the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election." They argued that it would be a "reckless gamble" for the Democratic Party to rely on Biden to defeat Trump in 2024.

The Times board acknowledged that Biden would be their "unequivocal pick" if the election were held today, but they emphasized that his debate performance "cannot be written off as a bad night," as it confirmed concerns that have been growing for months. They urged Democrats to "find the courage to speak plain truths to the party's leader" and recognize that Biden's inner circle has "sheltered him from unscripted appearances in public."

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

The editorial board's call for Biden to step aside has drawn mixed reactions. Biden campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond dismissed it, saying that "the last time Joe Biden lost the New York Times editorial board's endorsement it turned out pretty well for him." However, many Democratic voters are reportedly expressing concerns about Biden's age and health, and some have begun to question whether he is the best candidate to lead the party in 2024.

The Times editorial board's intervention marks a significant moment in the 2024 presidential race. It remains to be seen whether Biden will heed their call to withdraw, but it is clear that the debate over his fitness for office has reached a new level of urgency.

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race

The New York Times Declares: Biden Should Exit the 2024 Race
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