The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

  • Mr. Morgan Stracke Sr.
  • September 16, 2024 11:03am
  • 323

A retired autoworker founded Auto Workers for Trump in 2017, with the group gaining significant support among union members who oppose green policies and regulations they believe have harmed the industry.

In the heart of America's automotive manufacturing sector in Michigan, a grassroots movement of autoworkers has emerged, challenging the traditional support for Democrats within the unionized workforce. Led by Brian Pannebecker, a retired autoworker with decades of experience at Ford and Chrysler, Auto Workers for Trump has become a vocal advocate for Republicans, energized by opposition to green initiatives and regulations perceived as detrimental to their jobs.

Pannebecker's journey began in 2017 when he started a pro-Trump group for colleagues and retirees, initially comprising just 30 active United Auto Workers (UAW) members. However, as word spread through social media and auto plants, the group's size surged, attracting hundreds of members and expanding its reach through regular visits to factories across Michigan.

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

At the core of Auto Workers for Trump's message is the belief that the Democratic Party's embrace of green initiatives and regulations has hurt the automotive industry. They argue that the push towards electric vehicles (EVs) has led to job cuts and unsold EV inventories, while mileage standards and offshoring have undermined American manufacturing.

Pannebecker singled out Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate and former vice president, as a particular target of their criticism. He cited her support for legislation that would phase out non-EVs by 2035 and her liberal record on environmental issues.

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

"Even more liberal than Bernie Sanders, so she's dangerous," Pannebecker remarked. "She knows nothing about manufacturing. She knows nothing about the economy."

In contrast, the group sees President Trump as a champion of the automotive industry. They credit him with renegotiating NAFTA, known as the USMCA, which they believe has discouraged offshoring of automotive jobs.

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

"Donald Trump kept his campaign promise," Pannebecker said. "He said, 'If I'm elected, I will tear up NAFTA, and we'll renegotiate our own trade agreement so it's advantageous to American workers.'"

Auto Workers for Trump has focused its efforts on engaging with autoworkers at massive parking lots outside plants in the Detroit area, where they greet workers coming and going from shifts. Despite initial fears of repercussions from UAW leadership, Pannebecker reported immense success in connecting with workers, who have often become volunteers and helped expand the group's numbers.

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

"They've lost their fear of repercussions by the UAW bosses because it's just so commonplace that guys in the plants now support Donald Trump," Pannebecker said.

While union workers have historically been a key Democrat voting bloc, Pannebecker believes that trend is shifting. He pointed to areas in Michigan once held by Democrats that have become increasingly swing districts, a phenomenon seen in other union-heavy regions.

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

"Almost 90 to 95% of the trucks that drive by, whether they're hauling automotive parts or whatever ... they are blowing their air horns, giving us a thumbs-up, pumping their fist," Pannebecker said, noting that many of these truckers are Teamsters.

As the 2024 election approaches, Auto Workers for Trump plans to target some of the largest plants in Michigan to expand their message. Pannebecker expressed confidence that Donald Trump would win the support of UAW members, stating, "I promise you."

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign and UAW for comment but did not receive a response by press time.

The Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and RegulationsThe Rise of Auto Workers for Trump: Amidst Green Push and Regulations
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