The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

  • Francisco Upton
  • June 29, 2024 09:04pm
  • 211

Amidst calls for a replacement, Democratic strategists weigh the pros and cons of replacing Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee before the 2024 election.

Late Friday afternoon, The New York Times launched a bombshell editorial calling for President Biden to exit the race, a desperate and nearly unprecedented move. Republicans may find it ironic, considering the Times' unwavering support for the Left, but their reasoning may hold some truth.

With Biden delivering arguably the worst debate performance in recent history, Trump's re-election seems more inevitable than ever. The polls paint a favorable picture for Donald Trump, prompting the Times to urge the Democrats to consider replacing Biden.

The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

However, the Democrats face a dilemma. They lack a strong bench of candidates, and replacing Biden may result in a nomination for Vice President Kamala Harris. While Harris is less popular than Biden, she is not experiencing the same cognitive decline and could galvanize support as a woman of color against Trump.

Other potential replacements include Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, or even Andrew Cuomo. These candidates could bring a youthful vitality to the race compared to the aging Trump.

The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

However, there is one significant obstacle: Barack Obama. Since 2008, the Democrats have been the party of Obama, and any replacement for Biden would have to continue his legacy. This may not be feasible, as Harris and other candidates have their own agendas.

In short, replacing Biden may be the best chance for the Democrats to retain the White House, but it may not be practical. The Obama loyalists who watched Trump enter the White House eight years ago are unlikely to relinquish their power.

The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

The Times' Hail Mary: Can Biden Be Replaced?

As correct as the Times may be in its assessment, Biden's nomination remains the most likely route. The Democrats have not held a primary and are stuck with the Biden versus Trump matchup.

With Biden's cognitive decline and frequent gaffes, it is reasonable to question whether he can withstand the rigors of another election cycle. The Democrats face a difficult choice: replace Biden and risk losing Obama's support, or stick with Biden and potentially lose the election.

In the meantime, Trump remains the favorite, as Biden's weaknesses become increasingly apparent. The Democrats' lack of a viable alternative may ultimately seal their fate in the 2024 election.

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