The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

  • Whitney Altenwerth
  • June 18, 2024 09:04pm
  • 169

Co-host of "The View" expresses fears that Donald Trump could silence her show and Rachel Maddow's MSNBC program if elected.

During a recent episode of "The View," co-host Joy Behar expressed concerns that Donald Trump, if elected as president again, could take both the ABC talk show and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's show off the air. Behar's fears stem from Trump's previous statements and actions that she sees as indicative of a potential crackdown on media critics.

Maddow, who joined the co-hosts of "The View" on Tuesday, responded by acknowledging the danger to herself and her colleagues but emphasizing that it extended to all Americans. She pointed to Trump's rhetoric about targeting "subhuman internal enemies" as a sign of his willingness to use power to persecute opponents.

The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

Behar has previously challenged Trump to attempt to target "The View," stating that the show's daily format would make it difficult for him to censor it effectively. However, she also compared the situation to former President Richard Nixon's "enemies list," suggesting that being targeted could become a badge of honor.

Maddow echoed Behar's concerns, warning that Trump's attention may not be limited to high-profile figures. She pointed to the former president's history of targeting individuals and the recent construction of detention camps as evidence that his potential retribution could reach far and wide.

The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

Behar encouraged Maddow and others to be vigilant and to challenge any attempts at censorship. She emphasized that media freedom was essential for a functioning democracy.

The concerns raised by Behar and Maddow highlight the potential threat to free speech and the media posed by Trump's potential election. It remains to be seen whether these fears will be realized, but their expressions of worry serve as a reminder of the importance of protecting the First Amendment and ensuring that all voices are heard.

The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

The View's Joy Behar Raises Concerns over Trump's Potential Censorship

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