Thiessen Connects 'Squad' Rhetoric to Antisemitic Violence

  • Nels Denesik
  • June 25, 2024 02:03am
  • 373

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen calls out Democratic leadership for failing to condemn antisemitic remarks from members of the "Squad," arguing there's a direct connection to the rise of anti-Jewish violence.

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen has launched a scathing attack on the Democratic Party, accusing them of fostering an environment where antisemitic rhetoric flourishes, contributing to a surge in anti-Jewish violence.

Thiessen's criticism stems from the recent outburst by Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York, who unleashed a profanity-laced tirade against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). During a rally where Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York also spoke, Bowman used expletives to express his disdain for the pro-Israel advocacy group, which is supporting his primary challenger.

Thiessen Connects 'Squad' Rhetoric to Antisemitic Violence

Thiessen Connects 'Squad' Rhetoric to Antisemitic Violence

Thiessen contends that the Democratic caucus has failed miserably in its responsibility to discipline members like Bowman who engage in hateful rhetoric. He draws a parallel to the case of Republican Rep. Steve King, who was removed from his committee assignments in 2019 after expressing sympathy for white supremacy.

"When somebody had done what he did and targeted Black people, they would have been kicked off of their committees," Thiessen said. "But the Democratic leadership in Congress has not done the same to Jamaal Bowman for this. They tolerate antisemitism in their ranks."

Thiessen Connects 'Squad' Rhetoric to Antisemitic Violence

Thiessen Connects 'Squad' Rhetoric to Antisemitic Violence

The Fox News contributor believes this tolerance of antisemitism within the Democratic Party has emboldened antisemitic mobs, as evidenced by recent clashes outside a Los Angeles synagogue. He argues that the Democratic leadership's inaction sends a message that such behavior is acceptable.

"There's a connection between these two things," Thiessen asserted. "The Democratic Party has allowed antisemitism to fester in the halls of Congress, and now we're seeing the consequences."

Thiessen called for the Democratic leadership to act swiftly and decisively to address antisemitism within its ranks. He urged the party to condemn Bowman's remarks and take disciplinary action against him and other members who engage in similar rhetoric.

"The Democratic Party needs to clean house and show the American people that they will not tolerate antisemitism in their ranks," Thiessen said. "They need to show that they stand with the Jewish community, not with those who seek to divide and destroy."

The Democratic Party has historically been a strong supporter of the Jewish community, but its reluctance to confront antisemitism within its own ranks has raised concerns among some Jewish leaders. Thiessen's comments underscore the growing unease over this issue, and the need for the party to address it head-on.

The Democratic Party has not yet issued an official response to Thiessen's allegations. However, individual Democratic leaders, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have condemned Bowman's remarks and called for a culture of respect and tolerance.

The issue of antisemitism within the Democratic Party is complex, with some arguing that it is a rare occurrence while others believe it is a more widespread problem. Thiessen's comments have brought the issue to the forefront, and it remains to be seen how the party will respond and address these concerns.

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