Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

  • Fabian Russel
  • August 15, 2024 06:03am
  • 114

On the third anniversary of the Taliban's takeover, the group showcased its strength by parading through a former US airbase with American weapons and vehicles, marking a grim reminder of the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal.

Three years ago, the Biden administration's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan paved the way for the Taliban's rapid takeover of the country. On Wednesday, the Taliban commemorated this anniversary with a defiant display of their power, showcasing American weapons and vehicles abandoned during the hasty retreat.

Bagram Airfield, once the epicenter of the US war against the Taliban, became the stage for the parade. Uniformed soldiers marched with light and heavy machine guns, while a motorcycle formation carried the Taliban flag. Pickup trucks crammed with men of all ages drove through Kabul's streets in celebration of the takeover.

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

Members of the Taliban Cabinet extolled their achievements, including the implementation of Islamic law and the establishment of a military system that allegedly brought "peace and security." However, this self-congratulatory rhetoric was met with skepticism from US veterans and analysts.

"This is the Taliban rubbing their victory over us in our face," said US Army Veteran Bill Roggio. "The Biden administration's reckless withdrawal has left the Taliban with an American-supplied arsenal."

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

Roggio, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, called the parade evidence of US failure in Afghanistan. Biden's decision to pull troops from the country in a matter of weeks, despite intelligence warnings of the Taliban's rapid advance, resulted in the collapse of the US-backed Afghan government and the resurgence of the Taliban.

The military evacuation, which required thousands of additional US troops and significant cooperation from the Taliban, ended a day ahead of a deadline on Aug. 30, 2021, leaving behind hundreds of US citizens and thousands of Afghan allies, despite President Biden's promise to "get them all out."

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

On Aug. 26, 2021, during the US military's mass evacuation at the Kabul airport, suicide bombers killed 183 people, including 13 US service members. The US retaliated by launching two drone strikes against suspected ISIS-K terrorists, one of which ended up killing 10 Afghan civilians, including seven children.

In their speeches, Taliban leaders urged the West to interact and cooperate with their government. However, no country recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan, due to its repressive policies and its history of harboring terrorist groups.

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

Three Years After Biden's Chaotic Afghanistan Withdrawal, Taliban Celebrates with American Weapons

"The Islamic Emirate eliminated internal differences and expanded the scope of unity and cooperation in the country," said Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir. "No one will be allowed to interfere in internal affairs, and Afghan soil will not be used against any country."

Roggio dismissed this assertion as preposterous, noting that the Taliban has consistently lied about not allowing its soil to be used for terrorist activities against other countries.

"They lied about it pre-9/11. They lied about it while the US was in Afghanistan. They sheltered Al-Qaeda and other groups which they support to this day," said Roggio.

"What I do believe them on is their desire to maintain control in Afghanistan, to enforce their will, to impose Sharia on its people," he added. "You can't doubt them on that one."

Roggio stressed that while the Taliban is unlikely to project power outside Afghanistan, the equipment captured from the US is useful for maintaining their control within the country.

Despite the Taliban's grandiose display of capabilities, there was no mention of a plan to improve the lives of the Afghan people. Conflict and instability have left millions on the brink of hunger and starvation, unemployment is high, and women are banned from attending school beyond sixth grade.

The Bagram parade was the Taliban's grandest and most defiant since regaining control of the country in August 2021. The audience, including senior Taliban officials, witnessed a stark reminder of the consequences of the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal, a failure that continues to haunt the United States.

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