• Letitia Harris V
  • June 29, 2024 06:03pm
  • 296

Biden's 'Poor Performance' Stirs Panic on Capitol Hill

Democrats grapple with fallout from President Biden's lackluster debate performance, sparking fears about the party's future and the impact on down-ballot races.



Rep. James Clyburn, the influential House Democrat, has urged President Biden to "stay the course" following a disappointing debate performance that has left the party reeling.

In the wake of Thursday night's face-off with former President Trump, Capitol Hill has been gripped by a whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty. Democrats have been forced to confront the harsh reality that Biden's lackluster performance has thrown their election strategy into disarray.



"The emotions of the night were basically disappointment, anger, and then by the end it was panic," one House Democrat told Fox News Digital on condition of anonymity. "Now, with that foundation, where do we go?"

Democratic lawmakers have been visibly skittish since Friday morning, with many declining to comment on the debate, even when offered anonymity. House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries evaded a direct question about whether Biden was the party's best choice for the White House, saying he would reserve comment until Biden outlined his vision for the country.



A second anonymous House Democrat, who did not watch the debate but had heard about it, expressed frustration, saying, "I've been hearing everyone freaking out and s---, but debates in this day and age are stupid. Tell me the last debate you saw where you felt good after and learned something?"

The Democrat went on to question the wisdom of having Biden and Trump as the only two candidates for president, saying, "I bet you the majority of Americans would not choose these two old guys to be the only choice that they have."



A senior House Democratic aide likened the mood on Capitol Hill to what Republicans felt after a high-profile gaffe by former President Trump, describing it as "coming into work with absolute dread, knowing everyone is gonna come after you, and knowing you have nothing good to say."

Biden appeared tired and unfocused during the 90-minute debate, exacerbating concerns about his mental acuity. Trump capitalized on these concerns, saying, "I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either."

A longtime Democratic operative said that lawmakers who had spoken to them were alarmed by the debate's outcome, saying, "What I'm hearing from people is a sense of disappointment, in that this was a moment that we could have capitalized on and that it was missed."

Even Democrats who spoke on the record reluctantly admitted that Biden's performance was unsatisfactory, although they quickly emphasized that the election was about more than one night's performance. Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo., told reporters, "The president doesn't have a great debate night. That's very clear. But, you know, this is more than just about one debate performance, but the future of America and the existential threat that Donald Trump poses to Americans and to our national security."

Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "I think he had a terrible night…bad debate." However, he maintained that Biden "is the right man at the right time to do this job."

Meanwhile, some Democrats have expressed frustration with those within the Democratic sphere who have publicly criticized Biden's debate performance. Joel Rubin, a Democratic strategist and former Obama administration official, told Fox News Digital, "For those who are worried, it's time to do less worrying and get to work."

Rubin added, "We're four-plus months out, and the Democratic Party in moments like this, we tend to be experts at self-criticism, and we're seeing it on full display today. But to win this election is not going to be based upon just one candidate being anointed by the heavens…it's going to be about the whole infrastructure of the Democratic and progressive community mobilizing voters."

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