
  • Prof. Theodora Bergnaum DVM
  • July 10, 2024 11:04pm
  • 336

**Title**: George Clooney's Call to White House: Defending Wife's Work in Israel Amidst Biden's Re-election Woes

**Sapo**: Amidst growing pressure on President Joe Biden to step aside for the 2024 presidential election, Hollywood A-lister George Clooney has revealed a phone call he made to the White House to defend his wife's work in Israel. Clooney's revelation comes as he publicly urges Biden to reconsider his candidacy, citing concerns over the President's age and performance.




In a recent op-ed published in The New York Times, George Clooney called on President Joe Biden to abandon his re-election efforts, citing concerns about his age and performance. This came just weeks after the actor participated in a fundraiser for Biden's campaign, raising millions of dollars for the Democratic candidate.



Clooney's argument centers on his belief that Biden is no longer the "big f**king deal" he was in previous presidential campaigns. He points to Biden's halting and confused performance in recent debates, raising concerns about his ability to withstand the rigors of the campaign and the presidency.

"We're all so terrified by the prospect of a second Trump term that we've opted to ignore every warning sign," Clooney wrote. "This is about age. Nothing more. But also nothing that can be reversed. We are not going to win in November with this president."



Clooney's opinion aligns with a growing number of Hollywood elites and megadonors who have expressed concerns about Biden's candidacy following his recent performances. Members of Biden's party, political allies, and liberal media figures have also pressured the President to drop out of the race, warning that he cannot defeat former President Donald Trump.

In addition to age and performance concerns, Clooney also argues that Biden's continued candidacy could jeopardize down-ballot Democratic races. He asserts that Democrats have more to lose than just the White House in November and that Biden's presence at the top of the ticket could harm the party's chances in other key contests.

"This isn't only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that I've spoken with in private," Clooney wrote. "Every single one, irrespective of what he or she is saying publicly."

Clooney urges top Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to pressure Biden to step aside voluntarily. He believes that other Democratic leaders should come forward and present their cases to the American people, including Vice President Kamala Harris, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Despite mounting pressure, President Biden has insisted to supporters and media outlets that he will stay in the race and remains the best candidate to defeat Trump. The Biden campaign has pointed to the President's repeated statements about staying in the race.

In May, Clooney had made a phone call to the White House to complain about President Biden's rebuke of the International Criminal Court's issuance of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. Clooney's wife, attorney Amal Clooney, worked on the case.

The revelation of Clooney's call to the White House further complicates the already tense political climate surrounding President Biden's re-election campaign. With growing pressure from within his own party and from political allies, it remains to be seen whether Biden will reconsider his candidacy or if he will press on towards the 2024 election.

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