Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

  • Ettie Feest
  • July 3, 2024 04:03am
  • 371

Tom Brady, known for his intense and disciplined approach as a quarterback, recently admitted to some regret over his overly serious demeanor during his playing days.

Tom Brady, the seven-time Super Bowl winner, has opened up about his regret over his intense and often robotic approach to football during his time in the NFL. In a recent appearance on "The Pivot" podcast, Brady expressed that he wishes he had maintained the carefree and fun-loving attitude he had as a young player.

"I used to be like that!" Brady exclaimed, referring to young quarterbacks like Patrick Mahomes. "What the hell happened to me? I just got too serious."

Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

Brady attributed his overly serious demeanor to the highly demanding and successful environment of the New England Patriots under head coach Bill Belichick. However, when he joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2020, he allowed himself to loosen up and enjoy the game more.

"I just learned from it, and go, 'OK, now next phase of life, enjoy it a little more,'" Brady said.

Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

Brady also reflected on the challenges he faced in the early stages of his career. He admitted to struggling to meet the expectations of others while still trying to be true to his own personality.

"I was like, 'I just want to go to the field and play,'" Brady said. "Now, there was all these other things to choose from."

Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

Tom Brady Reflects on NFL Career, Expresses Regret Over Serious Approach

Brady's transition to broadcasting has given him an opportunity to revisit his career and make peace with some of his past regrets. He believes that his new role will allow him to share his passion for the game while also enjoying the ride.

"Now that I'm in the broadcast booth, I'm just going to have fun with it," Brady said. "I'm going to be myself, and I'm going to enjoy the game."

Brady's Hall of Fame induction ceremony in June and his participation in a live roast in May have also been part of his recent reflections on his career. While he initially expressed regret over the roast, he has since come to appreciate the opportunity to let loose and have some fun.

"I think it was a good thing for me," Brady said about the roast. "It was a good way to just let go and have some fun."

As Brady prepares for his new chapter as an NFL analyst, he carries with him the lessons he learned from his playing days. He believes that finding a balance between seriousness and enjoyment is crucial for both success and personal well-being.

"I think you just learn to appreciate the journey," Brady said. "The journey is the most important part."

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