Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

  • Miss Stacey Batz II
  • June 29, 2024 09:03pm
  • 366

Tori Spelling has shocked listeners of her "misSPELLING" podcast by revealing that she stores placentas from her children in her freezer, believing in their nutritional and medicinal value. Despite losing some placentas in moves, she extols the benefits of consuming them, sharing that her ex-husband Dean McDermott seasoned and cooked hers to enhance the flavor.

As a mother of five, Tori Spelling's life is a whirlwind of activity. But amidst the chaos, she has found a unique way to nourish her body and connect with her children through the preservation of their placentas.

Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

In a recent episode of her "misSPELLING" podcast, Spelling made a startling revelation: she stores placentas in her freezer, believing in their healing properties. The admission has sparked both curiosity and skepticism among listeners, but Spelling remains steadfast in her conviction.

"I will comment on the last thing [people] would think I have in my freezer, though. And that would that'd be my placenta," she proclaimed. "Unsure which child. There's 2 in there. So unless I have, like, the biggest placenta in the world, there's 2 vats in there."

Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

Spelling's belief in the benefits of placenta consumption stems from traditional practices worldwide. In some cultures, the placenta is regarded as a valuable source of nutrients and hormones that can aid in postpartum recovery and provide nourishment for the new mother.

"This is normal," Spelling asserted. "Because there's all that fancy stuff you're supposed to they say it's good luck to eat it, or it's good luck to bury it, or it's good luck to, you know, have it sent and made into that powder and they put into pills and I'm just too lazy to send it out."

Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

Tori Spelling's Placenta Confession: Benefits, Freezer Storage, and Loss

Despite her enthusiasm for placenta storage, Spelling admitted that practical considerations have sometimes hindered her efforts. For instance, she entrusted her youngest son's placenta to a friend for safekeeping, but it currently resides in their freezer.

"His is still in her freezer," Spelling shared. "You want to talk good friends? She came to the hospital the day Beau was born...But because I had a C-section and we had complications and Beau had something [where] we had to stay in the hospital for a bit. I said, ‘Jess, can you take the placenta home because they’ve given it to me and I don’t know what to do with it?’ So she, like a proper best friend, did take it home."

Despite the unconventional nature of her practices, Spelling emphasizes that she approaches them with a practical mindset. She has experienced firsthand the nutritional value of eating her children's placentas, crediting her ex-husband Dean McDermott with expertly preparing them.

"Dean's an amazing chef. So I mean, it was like, a little truffle oil, little salt and pepper. He cooked it and seasoned it and it was actually really good," she revealed. "I don't know if that's why I've been so, like, crazy and have so much energy, but I'm just saying."

Spelling's openness about her unconventional health practices has sparked conversations about the role of the placenta and its potential benefits. While some may find her approach unconventional, others appreciate her willingness to share her experiences and challenge societal norms.

In addition to placenta storage, Spelling has also shared details of her first breast augmentation surgery, which she had at a local strip mall when she was 19. Her candid discussions about her journey have resonated with audiences, fostering a sense of relatability and inspiring them to embrace their own unique paths.

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