Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

  • Fern Konopelski
  • September 6, 2024 01:04am
  • 342

Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly calls for consideration of red flag laws in Georgia after the high school shooting, while the Amish community mourns the loss of an injured survivor from a 2006 schoolhouse massacre.

In the wake of the tragic shooting at a Georgia high school, former New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has voiced his support for the adoption of red flag laws in the state. These laws would allow law enforcement to temporarily remove firearms from individuals deemed to pose a threat to themselves or others.

Kelly commended local law enforcement for capturing the suspect promptly, but expressed concern that more should have been done after the suspect was interviewed in 2023. "I think it's something that we should seriously look at," Kelly said.

Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

Eighteen years after a gunman opened fire at an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania, killing five girls, one of the victims who was gravely injured has passed away. Rosanna S. King, 23, died at her home on Thursday, July 21, 2022.

King was six years old when Charles Carl Roberts IV barricaded himself inside the schoolhouse, tying up and shooting 10 girls before taking his own life. King was one of the most severely injured survivors, sustaining a gunshot wound to the head that left her unable to speak and requiring tube feeding.

Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

Over the years, King's family and the Amish community have shared updates on her recovery and expressed their unwavering love and support. However, they also acknowledged the profound physical and emotional challenges she faced throughout her life.

The West Nickel Mines Amish School shooting occurred on October 2, 2006, and left a lasting impact on the small community of Nickel Mines. In an obituary for King, the community released a statement reflecting on the ongoing pain and loss experienced by the families.

Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

Tragedy and Reflections After Georgia School Shooting and Amish Woman's Passing

"To the casual observer, 'life goes on' in Nickel Mines, with its daily and seasonal demands of work, school, births, family and church, but for the families each day brings with it the pain, grief and questions that remind them of their loss," the group wrote.

In the aftermath of the shooting, the schoolhouse was demolished and a new one constructed nearby. However, the scars and memories of that tragic day linger for those who survived and those who lost loved ones.

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