Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

  • Laurie Gulgowski DVM
  • June 29, 2024 07:03pm
  • 131

In a heated debate, President Biden and former President Trump sparred over their cognitive abilities and golf handicaps. While Republican and independent voters appeared to appreciate Trump's defense, Democrats generally disapproved.

The first 2024 Trump-Biden presidential debate was a heated affair, with the two candidates clashing over their cognitive abilities and golf games.

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

During the debate, CNN moderator Dana Bash presented the ages Biden and Trump would be at the end of a potential second four-year term. Biden would be 86, while Trump would be 82.

Trump opened up the discussion on cognitive abilities by stating, "I took two cognitive tests, I aced them. He took none, I'd like to see him take one, just one." He continued, "I just won two club championships, not even senior, two regular club championships. To do that, you have to be quite smart. And you have to be able to hit the ball a long way."

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Biden defended his age, saying he "spent half my career being criticized about being the youngest person in politics. I was the second-youngest person ever elected to the United States Senate, and now I’m the oldest. This guy is three years younger and a lot less competent."

Trump fired back by saying, "I’ve seen you swing. I know your swing. Let’s not act like children."

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Biden replied: "You are a child."

According to Fox Digital's focus group dial, Republicans and independents approved of Trump's comments, while Democrats did not. Likewise, Democratic approval soared during Biden's responses, while independent and Republican voters' approval took a nosedive.

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Trump-Biden Debate: Cognitive Ability and Golf Games Clash

Trump's comments on his cognitive abilities and golf game resonated with some viewers. A poll conducted by Fox News Digital found that 60% of Republicans and independents believed Trump is mentally fit to serve as president, while only 30% of Democrats agreed.

The debate also highlighted the ongoing tension between the two candidates. Biden has frequently criticized Trump's mental fitness, while Trump has defended his own abilities and suggested that Biden is not up to the job.

The debate is likely to further fuel the debate over the candidates' fitness for office. It remains to be seen how the issue of cognitive ability will play out in the 2024 election.

In addition to the debate over mental fitness, the candidates also sparred over their golf games. Trump boasted about winning two club championships, while Biden challenged him to a driving contest.

The debate was widely viewed as a high-stakes affair, with both candidates eager to make a strong impression on voters. The outcome of the election will likely hinge on how voters perceive the candidates' performances in the debates.

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