Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

  • Hulda Bahringer
  • June 25, 2024 11:04pm
  • 380

Trump 2024 National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt slammed CNN on Monday for cutting her off mid-interview and alleged that the network has a long history of anti-Trump bias.

Trump 2024 National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt has vehemently attacked CNN for abruptly ending her interview on Monday while she was discussing the upcoming first presidential debate. Leavitt accused the network of propagating lies about former President Trump and harboring a deep-seated bias against him.

In an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity," Leavitt asserted that CNN's hostility towards Trump has been evident since he entered the political arena eight years ago. She criticized the network's choice of debate moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, alleging that they are biased against Trump and have a history of spreading falsehoods about him.

Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

"CNN censored me today because they can't handle the truth," Leavitt stated. "They have an anti-Trump bias that is at the core of their organization, and we should expect nothing less from them at Thursday night's debate."

CNN host Kasie Hunt abruptly ended her interview with Leavitt after the Trump campaign spokeswoman criticized the network's debate moderators. Hunt defended Tapper and Bash, maintaining that they are respected journalists who have proven their professionalism in covering campaigns and interviewing candidates from various political affiliations.

Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

However, Leavitt remained steadfast in her criticism, stating that Hunt's sudden termination of the interview was indicative of CNN's intolerance for opposing viewpoints.

Leavitt maintained that Trump is facing a challenging scenario in the first presidential debate on Thursday, which she characterized as a "three-on-one cage match" with President Biden, Tapper, and Bash, all of whom she accused of harboring animosity towards Trump.

Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

Trump Campaign Official Accuses CNN of 'Propagating Lies' and Bias

She expressed confidence in Trump's ability to demonstrate his strength and determination to fight for the American people, contrasting it with Biden's perceived weaknesses and poor policies. Leavitt also accused CNN of neglecting to adequately cover negative news regarding Biden.

A CNN spokesperson responded to Leavitt's remarks by highlighting the extensive experience and journalistic integrity of both Tapper and Bash. They emphasized that the moderators are well-equipped to facilitate a substantive and fact-based discussion during the debate.

Both Biden and Trump have agreed to abide by the debate rules, which include muted microphones, no live audience, no pre-written notes, and no consultation with campaign aides during breaks.

Despite CNN's assurances, Leavitt's allegations have sparked renewed scrutiny of the network's perceived bias against Trump. The accusations have also raised questions about the potential impact of media bias on the upcoming presidential debates and the overall political discourse in the United States.

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