Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

  • Domenic Rempel
  • August 23, 2024 03:03pm
  • 312

Former President Trump launches blistering attack on the Biden-Harris administration, accusing them of destroying the country. He also announces plans to campaign in Black barbershops ahead of the November election, vowing to show voters how they're being "conned" by Democrats.

Former President Donald Trump has unleashed a fiery critique of the Biden-Harris administration, accusing them of presiding over a failed presidency that is "destroying" the country. Trump made the remarks during an interview with "Fox & Friends," where he also outlined his plans to reach out to Black voters in barbershops ahead of the November election.

Trump's comments come against the backdrop of growing discontent among Black voters with the Democratic Party. According to recent polls, a growing number of African Americans are open to voting for Republicans in the upcoming election. This is due in part to concerns over rising crime rates, inflation, and illegal immigration.

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Trump seized on these concerns, arguing that Black voters are "being conned by the Democrats." He pledged to visit barbershops in Black communities to show voters how their interests are better served by the Republican Party.

"Those people just want safety. They don't want much," Trump said. "They want to run their barbershop. Those are hardworking people. They're strong, they're tough, and they know they're being conned by the Democrats."

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Trump's comments echo those made by Fox News' Lawrence Jones, who recently interviewed Black voters at Chicago barbershops. Jones found that many were torn between voting for Kamala Harris or Trump, with some expressing dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party's record on issues important to them.

"It's up in the air," one voter told Jones. "Some people like Kamala because she represents change and she's different. Some people like Trump because they feel like he's more business-minded, so it's just up in the air."

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Another voter urged his fellow constituents to stop being "blindly faithful" to the Democratic Party.

"It's really enlightening to hear individuals start to change their political direction," Jones said. "I think it's time that Blacks, in general, need to boost our political IQ. Stop being blindly faithful to a one-party system that doesn't work for us."

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Trump Targets Biden-Harris Administration, Vows to Woo Black Voters in Barbershops

Jones also noted that Republicans need to do a better job of communicating with the Black community.

"If... Republicans started to come in, really communicate in... these communities, they'll come to barbershops and they'll start to see we're talking the same language, but they don't... know how to communicate, so they'd rather not do it," he said.

Trump echoed this sentiment, arguing that the Republican Party needs to improve its outreach to Black voters.

"Most Blacks are conservative," another voter said. "If the Republican Party can just learn how to communicate, and the reason why they can't communicate... They don't get us. But a lot of people are waking up right now, as you can see, speaking to the brothers and sisters in the shop and... how many barbershops, beauty salons there are throughout the country?"

"This same conversation is happening pretty much in every barbershop," Jones said.

Trump argued that the concern stemming from crime and illegal immigration is not exclusive to one location.

"If you went to a barbershop in New York, in Los Angeles, and any place you want to talk about, you're going to find the same thing, the same reaction," he said.

"They're really upset, and I watched the mothers on your show this morning before we went on. So sad. They've given up on life. You have the worst prosecutors. They go after guys like me... They go after me because I question the elections and things like that. It's nonsense. If you can't question an election, we don't have a country."

Trump's comments on Black voters and his plans to campaign in barbershops are likely to stir up controversy. However, they also highlight the growing discontent among African Americans with the Democratic Party and the potential for the Republican Party to make inroads in this key demographic.

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