Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

  • Prof. Zoila Renner
  • September 5, 2024 11:04pm
  • 216

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger warns that former President Trump may adopt an authoritarian playbook to undermine the press if he returns to power, citing the tactics used by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Former President Donald Trump's relentless attacks on the media have raised concerns among journalists and observers that he may use authoritarian methods to silence critical voices if he regains the presidency. New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger recently published an op-ed in The Washington Post outlining the potential playbook that Trump could employ, based on the tactics used by authoritarian leaders around the globe.

Sulzberger detailed how leaders like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban have successfully silenced their media critics, creating a climate of fear and self-censorship. He pointed out that such leaders often blame the media for their previous election losses and perceive the press as an obstacle to their power.

Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

To undermine the media, authoritarian leaders typically use a combination of bureaucratic tools and financial incentives. They may impose burdensome regulations on media outlets, withhold government advertising revenue, and reward friendly outlets with subsidies. By weakening the independent media, these leaders can control the narrative and consolidate their power.

Sulzberger expressed particular concern about Trump's admiration for Orban, who has effectively dismantled Hungary's independent press. He noted that Trump has repeatedly praised Orban as a "smart, strong, and compassionate leader" and has met with him at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

Trump's anti-press rhetoric has already translated into anti-press action, according to Sulzberger. During his first term, Trump's attacks on the media contributed to a surge in anti-press sentiment both in the United States and abroad. This hostile climate has made it increasingly difficult for journalists to do their jobs.

Sulzberger argued that Trump's attacks on the free press are unprecedented among U.S. presidents in the past century. While many presidents have had contentious relationships with the media, they have consistently defended and expanded protections for journalists. Trump, on the other hand, has undermined the press at every turn.

Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

Trump's Authoritarian Playbook: A Threat to the Free Press

The publisher also pointed to Trump's popularization of the term "fake news" as a weapon to dismiss and attack journalism that challenges him. This phrase has become a rallying cry for authoritarians around the world, who have used it to justify the enactment of "fake news" laws in over 70 countries.

Sulzberger stressed that the free press is essential for a healthy democracy, as it holds those in power accountable and informs the public. He urged Americans to be vigilant in defending the First Amendment and to resist any attempt by Trump or his allies to undermine the press.

"I feel compelled to speak out about threats to the free press, as my predecessors and I have done to leaders of both parties," Sulzberger wrote. "It is a paramount responsibility of all Americans to safeguard the First Amendment, which is the bedrock of our democracy."

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