Trump's Gains Among Black Voters Sound Alarm for Biden's Re-election Campaign

  • Tania Bashirian
  • May 31, 2024 01:04pm
  • 239

CNN data reporter Harry Enten warns that former President Trump's growing support among Black voters could have disastrous consequences for President Biden's re-election prospects.

Trump's Gains Among Black Voters Sound Alarm for Biden's Re-election Campaign

CNN data reporter Harry Enten has raised a "huge alarm" for President Biden's re-election campaign, citing former President Trump's significant gains among Black voters. This alarming trend, Enten argues, could potentially hand the 2024 election to Trump.

Based on recent polling data, Enten notes that Trump has doubled his support among Black voters since his 2020 presidential bid, rising from 10% to 21%. Concurrently, Biden has suffered an 11-point decline, dropping from 81% to 70% support.

Trump's Gains Among Black Voters Sound Alarm for Biden's Re-election Campaign

These figures represent the highest level of Black voter support for a Republican presidential candidate since 1960, when Richard Nixon received 21% of the Black vote. Notably, Trump's gains are particularly pronounced among younger Black voters under the age of 49, who now give him 27% of their support.

Enten emphasizes that this shift in voting patterns among Black voters is not monolithic. Older Black voters over the age of 50 remain strongly supportive of Biden, with 85% indicating they would vote for him. However, Trump has made significant inroads with younger Black voters, particularly those under the age of 49.

Trump's Gains Among Black Voters Sound Alarm for Biden's Re-election Campaign

According to Enten's analysis, if these voting trends continue, Trump would secure 291 Electoral College votes, flipping key states such as Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

"These numbers, to be honest, could be deadly to Joe Biden's campaign," Enten warned. He stressed that the data represents a "huge alarm" that should send shockwaves through the Democratic Party and prompt immediate action to address the concerns and grievances of Black voters.

Enten's analysis echoes earlier warnings he issued in March 2023 about Biden's declining support among Black voters. He had then emphasized the importance of President Biden and his administration engaging with Black communities and addressing their concerns, which include economic inequality, racial justice, and police brutality.

The Biden campaign has acknowledged the need to address these concerns and is working to implement measures to improve the lives of Black Americans. However, the growing support for Trump among Black voters remains a significant challenge that could jeopardize Biden's re-election prospects.

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