Trump's Trial: Defense Witness's Eyebrows Raise Ire of Biased Judge

  • Levi Fadel
  • May 22, 2024 01:01am
  • 385

CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said that Michael Cohen's admission to stealing from Donald Trump was "more serious" than what Trump is alleged to have done. But in a shocking turn of events, the judge in Trump's trial threatened to strike the testimony of the defense's only substantive witness for raising his eyebrows.

Trump's Trial: Defense Witness's Eyebrows Raise Ire of Biased Judge

In an extraordinary spectacle, the judge in Donald Trump's trial erupted in anger at the defense's sole substantive witness, Robert Costello, for raising his eyebrows during a hearing. The judge's threat to strike Costello's testimony, which contradicted the prosecution's star witness, was unconstitutional and unethical, according to observers.

Trump's Trial: Defense Witness's Eyebrows Raise Ire of Biased Judge

Alan Dershowitz, a prominent defense attorney present at the trial, witnessed the judge's "deep failings" firsthand. He criticized the lack of live television coverage, which he believes would force commentators to report accurately and eliminate biased reporting.

CNN legal analyst Norman Eisen, a former student of Dershowitz, was present when Costello's eyebrows raised the judge's ire. Eisen later confirmed that the media's portrayal of an incident between Dershowitz and him was false.

Trump's Trial: Defense Witness's Eyebrows Raise Ire of Biased Judge

Dershowitz lamented the media's distortion of trial proceedings, citing a recent example where his friendly conversation with Eisen was twisted into a fabricated account of a dispute. He questioned the credibility of partisan media reporting without the accountability of live television coverage.

Eisen, to his credit, corrected the media's false account. However, Dershowitz expressed doubt that a retraction would follow. He emphasized the importance of allowing the public to witness trials firsthand, as sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Trump's Trial: Defense Witness's Eyebrows Raise Ire of Biased Judge

Like the colorful radio broadcasts of Dodger games that were later superseded by live television, Dershowitz believes televised trials would force commentators to provide accurate accounts. In the absence of live coverage, he argues, partisan reporting and exaggerations run rampant, leaving the American public as the ultimate loser.

Dershowitz's observations underscore the critical need for transparency in the judicial system. Televised trials would ensure that the public has access to unfiltered information, holding both prosecutors and defense attorneys accountable while also providing a much-needed check on biased media reporting.

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