Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

  • Loyce Bauch
  • September 15, 2024 02:03am
  • 301

Former President Trump denounces ABC News for blatant bias and Harris's dishonesty during the first presidential debate, accusing them of trying to control the narrative and doom his campaign.

As the aftermath of the contentious first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris unfolds, political analysts are grappling with the profound implications of Harris's disastrous performance. Lost in the noise of partisan posturing is a fundamental truth: Harris failed miserably in achieving her objectives.

The disconnect between reality and the elite's perception of the debate is striking. Trump supporters and independent voters alike witnessed the overt dishonesty of ABC's moderators, who actively aided Harris in her attacks on President Trump. This blatant bias has sparked outrage and accusations of collusion between ABC and Harris.

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

Trump's unwavering supporters, who comprise 48% of Americans, view him as a champion against the corrupt establishment. The spectacle of ABC News's blatant interference only reinforced their beliefs, cementing Harris's image as a tool of the corrupt elite.

Harris's own demeanor further alienated viewers, who perceived her excessive facial expressions and faux-cute behavior as superficial and unpresidential. In contrast, President Trump's authenticity resonated with voters who value substance over style.

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

The elite's disdain for Trump's unconventional approach blinds them to his genuine appeal. They expect politicians to adhere to the norms of Washington's cocktail party culture, while most Americans reject such artifice. Harris's inability to connect with the common person became glaringly evident.

Harris's strategy of concealing her beliefs proved disastrous. An honest acknowledgment of her political agenda would have alienated voters, while her attempts to dodge the truth only exposed her hypocrisy. The ABC moderators' blatant intervention to shield her from accountability was a transparent attempt to manipulate the narrative.

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

Trump's unwavering authenticity is his greatest strength. His supporters have remained loyal through countless attacks and investigations, recognizing his genuine connection with the American people. Harris's attempt to present herself as a polished insider alienated viewers who value authenticity over political posturing.

The gap between the elite's interpretation of the debate and the reality experienced by voters is profound. The elite values style over substance, while most Americans crave authenticity. Harris's failure to connect with the common person and the glaring bias of ABC News only reinforced Trump's appeal as a genuine leader who speaks to their concerns.

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment

As polls emerge, they will undoubtedly reflect the public's preference for Trump's authenticity over Harris's dishonesty and superficiality. The political elite, blinded by their own biases, failed to anticipate the wisdom of the American people.

Trump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt EstablishmentTrump's Wrath: ABC Debate Rigged, Harris Exposed as Puppet of Corrupt Establishment
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