Tulsi Gabbard Warns of American Dystopia if Biden Administration Re-Elected

  • Trisha Runolfsdottir PhD
  • May 3, 2024 02:01am
  • 328

Former Democratic representative and Iraq War veteran Tulsi Gabbard has issued a dire warning about the future of America if the Biden administration is re-elected in 2024, painting a dystopian vision of a nation where freedoms are eroded and government control reigns supreme.

Tulsi Gabbard Warns of American Dystopia if Biden Administration Re-Elected

Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic representative from Hawaii and Iraq War veteran, has sounded the alarm about the potential consequences of a second Biden administration, warning that it could lead to a loss of American freedoms and a dystopian society. In an appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience" podcast, Gabbard outlined her concerns, arguing that the Biden administration has engaged in "unprecedented abuse of power" and "undermined the rule of law."

Gabbard, who left the Democratic Party in 2022 due to its "elitist cabal of warmongers driven crazy by woke ideology and anti-White animus," believes that the Biden-Harris administration represents a grave threat to American democracy. "In my experience, and in the situation we're in right now with the Biden-Harris administration, they cannot be allowed to remain in power," she stated.

Tulsi Gabbard Warns of American Dystopia if Biden Administration Re-Elected

Gabbard cited the administration's targeting of political opponents, including former President Donald Trump and parents protesting at school board meetings, as evidence of its authoritarian tendencies. She expressed concern that if the administration is re-elected, it will continue to escalate its actions, eroding freedoms to the point where they become virtually impossible to regain.

"They will tell us, 'Hey, you gave us a mandate. You said, Hey, good job thumbs up, keep at it,' and we'll see everything that's happened just continue to escalate to a point where I have no doubt that our freedoms will be eroded to a point where it'll be virtually impossible to get them back," Gabbard warned.

Tulsi Gabbard Warns of American Dystopia if Biden Administration Re-Elected

In this dystopian vision, America would no longer be the "land of the free and the home of the brave," but rather a nation where citizens are controlled by the government and forced to comply. Gabbard emphasized that freedom of speech is essential for a free society, and expressed concern that the government and Big Tech platforms are controlling the flow of information during elections.

"They're terrified of a truly free society where we can have a truly free open marketplace of ideas," Gabbard said. "They're terrified of us doing that and making what they believe is the wrong choice, so they're trying to take away our right to do it, so they can remain in power."

Tulsi Gabbard Warns of American Dystopia if Biden Administration Re-Elected

Gabbard warned that many in the Biden administration believe they are justified in their actions, believing themselves to be "standing up for America and standing up for democracy." However, she cautioned that this mindset is dangerous and has been seen in foreign dictators throughout history.

"They're so much so, that they are willing to destroy our democracy to save it in their minds, which is a dangerous, dangerous mindset," Gabbard said.

Tulsi Gabbard's warnings about the potential consequences of a Biden administration re-election have sparked concern among some Americans, who share her fears about the erosion of freedoms and the rise of authoritarianism.

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