Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

  • Louie Haag
  • June 26, 2024 11:04pm
  • 234

The recent violent protests at a Los Angeles synagogue were not isolated incidents but part of a meticulously planned and funded ecosystem that spans the globe, coordinating and sustaining these demonstrations. This ecosystem comprises activist organizations, fiscal sponsors, deep-pocketed donors, and radical media groups, all working together to promote an anti-U.S., anti-capitalist, and anti-West agenda.

The violent protests that engulfed Los Angeles' Adas Torah Synagogue on Sunday were not the result of spontaneous outrage but part of a well-oiled machine that has orchestrated similar demonstrations across the globe. This ecosystem of violent protests operates with remarkable coordination, propelled by a network of interconnected organizations, fiscal sponsors, donors, and media groups, all sharing a common ideology that seeks to undermine the foundations of American society.

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

At the heart of this ecosystem lie activist organizations that plan and execute the protests. Well-known examples include American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Codepink, and the Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition. These groups spearhead demonstrations, often targeting specific events or institutions, and use inflammatory rhetoric to incite violence and confrontation.

To provide legal cover and opacity to their operations, these activist organizations rely on fiscal sponsors. These entities grant the activist groups tax-exempt status and manage their finances, obfuscating the sources of funding and shielding them from potential legal liabilities. Notable fiscal sponsors in this ecosystem include the Alliance for Global Justice, the Tides Foundation, and the Westchester Peace Action Committee (WESPAC).

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

The ecosystem is fueled by a steady stream of funding from deep-pocketed donors. George Soros's Open Society foundations, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and Grassroots International are among the most prominent supporters of these activist groups. Their donations provide financial stability and allow the ecosystem to sustain its operations over an extended period.

Radical media groups play a crucial role in amplifying the protests and disseminating their message. Outlets such as BT Media, Common Dreams, the Grayzone, and Tricontinental provide a platform for activists to voice their demands and promote their agenda. Additionally, these groups often engage in propaganda for U.S. adversaries like China, Cuba, and Russia, spreading disinformation and undermining public trust in democratic institutions.

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

Notably, the ecosystem operates with remarkable consistency across different issues, including racial justice and the Middle East conflict. "Social justice" in the U.S. and the political map of the Middle East are seemingly disparate topics, but the organizations within this ecosystem deftly weave them together to pursue their broader agenda. They coordinate protests for BLM and pro-Hamas demonstrations, leveraging the heightened emotions surrounding these issues to advance their goals.

The ecosystem's involvement in the BLM movement is particularly noteworthy. Many of these groups were present at the formative riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, and the George Floyd riots in 2020. Their involvement suggests a long-term strategy aimed at destabilizing American society and institutions.

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

Unmasking the Puppet Masters: The Ecosystem of Violent Protests

However, their agenda extends beyond racial justice. The ecosystem's media outlets routinely ignore or deny the Chinese genocide against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province, revealing that their concerns are not primarily driven by humanitarian principles. Instead, they opportunistically exploit these issues to further their anti-capitalist and anti-democratic objectives.

The ecosystem's involvement in pro-Hamas protests is equally troubling. Its media outlets rarely criticize Hamas's terrorist activities and even glorify the organization as a defender of Palestinian rights. This selective outrage suggests that their support for Palestinians is simply a pretext to pursue their broader anti-American agenda.

Given the significant impact that BLM has had on American culture, the ecosystem's involvement in this movement warrants close scrutiny by policymakers. The ecosystem's ties to foreign actors, including China, Cuba, and Venezuela, should also raise alarm bells.

Americans have largely remained unaware of the ecosystem's activities due to media silence. The ecosystem's operations are often presented as spontaneous outpourings of support for various causes, but a deeper investigation reveals a carefully orchestrated plan to undermine American society.

Disturbingly, the ecosystem has received financial support from Neville Roy Singham, a Shanghai-based billionaire with close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Singham's funding has been used to finance training sessions for radical activists, including those who were involved in the violent protests at Columbia University's Hamilton Hall in April.

The ecosystem's playbook is clear: incite violence and confrontation at strategic locations to make the country ungovernable. Its leaders openly advocate for the overthrow of the American empire and the dismantling of capitalism. Their rhetoric and actions pose a serious threat to the stability and security of our nation.

It is imperative to expose the puppet masters behind these violent protests and disrupt their ecosystem. The media must play a critical role in informing the public about the true nature of these organizations and their foreign connections. Policymakers must take action to hold them accountable for their destructive activities. By shining a light on this shadowy network, we can defend our democracy and protect the peace and stability of our nation.

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