Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

  • Prof. Brandy Daniel I
  • September 1, 2024 01:04am
  • 127

As the Illinois Flag Commission deliberates the future of the state's banner, submissions for a new design will be accepted after Labor Day. The initiative aims to create a flag that better reflects the diversity and pride of the state.

Illinois is embarking on a journey to potentially redesign its state flag, with the creation of a 20-member Illinois Flag Commission (IFC) tasked with evaluating the need for a change. Submissions for new design concepts will be accepted after Labor Day, opening up the opportunity for residents to contribute their creative visions.

This initiative stems from the recognition that societal values and representations are ever-evolving, as expressed by Democratic state Sen. Doris Turner, a co-sponsor of the legislation that established the IFC. She believes that the state flag should be a reflection of the current times, engaging and representative of all Illinoisans.

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

The IFC will diligently assess the current flag and determine whether a redesigned version would better capture the state's identity. To initiate the process, the commission will seek submissions that showcase the diversity of Illinois' urban, suburban, and rural communities. The goal is to inspire a renewed sense of pride among all residents.

Illinois is not alone in its pursuit of a flag redesign. Several other states have undertaken similar initiatives, including Utah, Mississippi, Michigan, and Maine. Most notably, Minnesota recently adopted a new flag in January, featuring an eight-pointed North Star and a solid blue field, replacing a previous design that faced criticism for its portrayal of Native Americans.

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

The Minnesota example serves as a testament to the potential impact of a flag redesign. The new banner reflects the state's motto of being the North Star State, while also addressing concerns regarding cultural sensitivity. The Illinois Flag Commission will undoubtedly draw inspiration from Minnesota's success in creating a flag that is both representative and inclusive.

The process in Illinois will involve a thorough evaluation of submissions, with the IFC selecting ten designs that best embody the state's identity. On January 1, 2025, an online public survey will be conducted, giving all Illinois residents the opportunity to vote on their favorite designs and indicate whether they prefer to retain the current flag.

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

Through this participatory approach, the commission aims to ensure that the final decision is informed by the voices of the people of Illinois. The outcome of the survey will provide valuable insights into the state's evolving identity and aspirations for its future symbolism.

The redesign of a state flag is a significant undertaking, one that carries both historical and cultural implications. As Illinois embarks on this journey, the Illinois Flag Commission stands ready to guide the process and facilitate a thoughtful and inclusive dialogue. The submissions and subsequent public survey will serve as essential components in shaping the future of the state's iconic symbol.

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

Unveiling a New Symbol: Illinois Flag Commission Seeks Submissions for Potential Redesign

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