US Senators Urge Increased Funding for AI Research to Counter China's Dominance

  • Tyra Beahan
  • May 16, 2024 07:19am
  • 326

A bipartisan group of US senators has called for a significant increase in American funding for artificial intelligence (AI) research, warning that the US risks falling behind China in this critical field.

Senators unveil bipartisan push to spend billions on AI research, warn China is 'in a hurry'

A bipartisan group of US senators has joined forces to demand a substantial boost in American funding for artificial intelligence (AI) research, expressing concern that the US faces the risk of being outpaced by China in this rapidly developing field.

Led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the group argues that increased government funding is essential to ensure that the US remains competitive in AI, which has far-reaching implications for economic growth, national security, and societal advancement.

Senators unveil bipartisan push to spend billions on AI research, warn China is 'in a hurry'

Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue, stating, "China now spends probably about 10 times more than we do on AI development. They are in a hurry."

The senators' proposal focuses on generative AI, a cutting-edge technology capable of creating text, photos, and videos based on simple prompts. While generative AI has generated excitement, it has also sparked concerns about its potential to displace numerous jobs.

Senators unveil bipartisan push to spend billions on AI research, warn China is 'in a hurry'

The group is advocating for the US to invest at least $32 billion annually in non-defense-related AI research. Senator Schumer highlighted that Congress is also planning to allocate substantial funds for defense-related AI initiatives, underscoring the importance of "outcompeting China."

Schumer emphasized the need for a flexible approach to AI legislation, allowing individual committees to address specific aspects of the issue and present related bills as they become ready.

Senators unveil bipartisan push to spend billions on AI research, warn China is 'in a hurry'

"We're not going to wait on legislation that addresses every aspect of AI in society," Schumer stated.

The senators' call for increased AI funding comes amid ongoing discussions between the US and China on this critical technology. The first round of AI talks between the two countries commenced in Geneva this week, aiming to foster dialogue on the implications of AI for trade, society, and national security.

US technology experts believe that these talks provide an opportunity to gain insights into China's AI strategy, which has been characterized by a relatively secretive approach to the technology.

The bipartisan senators' initiative highlights the growing recognition in the US that AI is a transformative force with the potential to shape the future of various sectors and industries. By investing heavily in AI research, the US aims to maintain its global competitiveness and address the challenges posed by China's dominance in this field.

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