US Weighs Removing Gaza Aid Pier Amidst Distribution Challenges

  • Jonathon Rutherford
  • June 29, 2024 06:03am
  • 273

The United States is considering not reinstalling a pier it built to bring aid into Gaza as the humanitarian crisis there continues. The pier has been used to deliver food, but distribution has been slow due to attacks on convoys and security concerns raised by the UN.

The pier, built by the US military, was designed to provide a temporary solution to the difficulties in getting humanitarian aid into Gaza. However, it has faced a series of setbacks since its opening on May 17, including rough seas and attacks on aid convoys.

US Weighs Removing Gaza Aid Pier Amidst Distribution Challenges

US Weighs Removing Gaza Aid Pier Amidst Distribution Challenges

The UN, which has the largest aid distribution network in Gaza, suspended its use of the pier on June 9 after the Israeli military used an area near the pier to fly out hostages following a raid that killed more than 270 Palestinians. The UN is currently reviewing security concerns before resuming its operations.

US officials said that the military could reinstall the pier once the bad weather passes, but the final decision has not been made. The Pentagon spokeswoman, Sabrina Singh, acknowledged that the timeline for reinstallation is uncertain.

US Weighs Removing Gaza Aid Pier Amidst Distribution Challenges

US Weighs Removing Gaza Aid Pier Amidst Distribution Challenges

She also said that there is a need for more aid to come into Cyprus and be transported to the pier. The secure area onshore is "pretty close to full," but the intention is still to get aid into Gaza by all means necessary.

However, she added, "Of course, if there's not enough room in the marshalling yard, then it doesn't make sense to put our men or women out there when there's nothing to do."

The Palestinians in Gaza are facing widespread hunger due to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, Israeli restrictions on border crossings, and the attacks on aid convoys. These factors have severely limited the flow of food, medicine, and other essential supplies.

The US has faced criticism from aid groups and congressional Republicans for the $230 million project, which has been seen as a costly distraction. Despite the challenges, the US has delivered more than 19.4 million pounds of food into Gaza through the pier.

The decision on whether to reinstall the pier will depend on a number of factors, including the weather, the security situation, and the availability of aid. The US is continuing to work with aid agencies to find ways to get food into Gaza.

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