Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates "Six Months. No Alcohol" After Social Media Reset

  • Prof. Fritz Robel MD
  • July 4, 2024 01:03pm
  • 250

After deleting all her past posts, Valerie Bertinelli has announced on Instagram that she has been sober for six months. She encourages her followers to consider unhealthy coping mechanisms and shares her journey of self-acceptance.

Valerie Bertinelli has embarked on a transformative journey, resetting her social media presence to mark a new chapter in her life. The beloved actress and Food Network star has deleted all her past Instagram posts, symbolizing a clean slate and a renewed outlook on life.

In her first post on Wednesday, Bertinelli shared a close-up selfie with a poignant caption: "Six months. No alcohol." Her message was accompanied by a tag to the Reframe App, an alcohol reduction and quitting tool.

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates "Six Months. No Alcohol" After Social Media Reset

The only other post on Bertinelli's profile is a thought-provoking quote by Charles Dederich: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." In a heartfelt caption, she elaborated on her evolving perspective:

"I’ve always been really good at beating myself up about my past and how I could’ve done better. I became a master at judging myself. Judge, jury, and executioner," she wrote.

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates "Six Months. No Alcohol" After Social Media Reset

Breaking free from self-criticism, Bertinelli expressed her desire to live an authentic life, embracing both her strengths and imperfections. She recognized the flaws that make her unique and emphasized the importance of self-acceptance.

Bertinelli's message resonated with her followers, inspiring them to reflect on their own coping mechanisms and unhealthy habits that may be hindering their personal growth. She encouraged a collective effort to lift each other up through shared experiences and support.

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates "Six Months. No Alcohol" After Social Media Reset

"I think we’ve built a really lovely community here and I love when you all talk amongst yourselves, the last post being a great example of everyone sharing their journey. It’s been inspiring. When we work together and share our stories, we can lift each other up. Let’s keep inspiring each other," she concluded.

The social media refresh comes almost three months after Bertinelli announced a planned social media break, citing the need for a mental health break. She had previously shared her decision to divorce her second husband, Tom Vitale, in 2022.

In a fortunate twist of fate, Bertinelli found love again with Mike Goodnough in March. She expressed her surprise and gratitude for the unexpected relationship, describing it as unlike any she had experienced before.

Goodnough commented on Bertinelli's sobriety post, acknowledging their shared decision to abstain from alcohol prior to their meeting: "Funny how we both just randomly decided to stop drinking only weeks before we met each other."

Bertinelli's journey of self-discovery and sobriety is an inspiration to many. Her willingness to share her struggles and triumphs empowers others to embrace their own paths toward personal growth and fulfillment.

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