Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

  • Hillary Murphy MD
  • June 29, 2024 09:04pm
  • 226

Social media expert Melanie Hempe argues that the popular Wait Until 8th pledge, which encourages parents to delay giving kids smartphones until eighth grade, is misguided and could be harmful to children's mental health.

Parents and lawmakers are grappling with the best ways to protect young Americans from the potential dangers of smartphones and social media. One popular movement among parents and communities across the U.S. is the Wait Until 8th pledge, which encourages participants to "delay giving children a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade." However, social media expert and registered nurse Melanie Hempe has issued a strong warning against this approach, arguing that it could have serious negative consequences for children's mental health.

Hempe, who is also the founder of ScreenStrong, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating parents and young adults about the impact of technology on health and well-being, highlights several reasons why she believes the Wait Until 8th pledge is misguided.

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

Firstly, Hempe emphasizes that eighth grade is not an ideal time for children to be introduced to smartphones and social media. She explains that there is a "mismatch" in brain development for students in this age group, with the "accelerator" of risk-taking behavior working before the "brakes" of the frontal cortex, the judgment center of the brain, are fully developed. As a result, children in eighth grade may be more likely to engage in risky behaviors online without fully understanding the potential consequences.

Secondly, Hempe points to research that shows that by eighth grade, children are more likely to search for content that is more provocative and potentially harmful. They may be more susceptible to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, and exposure to harmful content can exacerbate these concerns.

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

Thirdly, Hempe highlights the rise in suicidal thoughts and attempts among青少年. According to CDC data, suicide is the third leading cause of death among high school students, and 9th and 10th grade students are more likely to consider attempting suicide than 12th graders.

In light of these concerns, Hempe urges parents to reject the Wait Until 8th pledge and instead delay introducing smartphones through high school. She argues that "48 months of high school is such a short amount of time to give your kids a big advantage mentally, physically, emotionally and actually socially. We've got to save them from the trauma and the scars and possibly even save their lives."

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge

Hempe recommends parents and young adults educate themselves about the impact of technology on health and well-being. She also encourages parents to look past "blind spots" and find a community of like-minded individuals to support each other in giving their children a healthy teenage experience free from the dangers of excessive screen time.

Wait Until 8th for Social Media? A Social Media Expert Rejects the Pledge
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