White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

  • Ryley King
  • June 19, 2024 02:03pm
  • 194

The White House has vehemently denied allegations that viral videos of President Biden appearing frail are "deepfakes," eliciting a wave of criticism from Republicans and media personalities who maintain that the videos are authentic.

The White House has resolutely dismissed claims that recent videos depicting President Biden as frail and confused are "deepfakes," a term used to describe manipulated or altered videos. The denial has sparked a barrage of criticism from Republicans and media figures who assert that the videos are genuine representations of the president's current state.

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre categorically rejected the allegations during a press briefing on Monday, attributing them to a Republican smear campaign. She labeled the videos as "cheap fakes" and "manipulated," claiming that they were being used to spread misinformation.

However, Republicans and conservative commentators have vehemently disputed Jean-Pierre's claims, arguing that the videos have been mischaracterized and unfairly portrayed rather than being outright fabrications. They have called on the White House to provide evidence to support their allegations of deepfakes.

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

Fox News contributor Guy Benson asserted that the videos were not deepfakes but acknowledged that they could potentially be mischaracterized or taken out of context. Nevertheless, he maintained that dismissing them as fakes was a form of misinformation.

Similarly, Senator Mike Lee of Utah posed a series of questions, expressing his confusion over which specific videos were alleged to be deepfakes and requesting clarification from the White House.

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

Columnist David Marcus accused the White House of employing dangerous tactics by falsely labeling legitimate video footage as deepfakes. He compared their actions to those of right-wing trolls who spread misinformation by falsely labeling deepfakes as authentic videos.

State Freedom Caucus Director of Communications Greg Price criticized Jean-Pierre's handling of the situation, accusing her of being incompetent and out of touch with reality.

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

White House Denies Allegations of Biden Deepfakes, Sparks Criticism

Radio personality and news editor Ari Hoffman questioned why the White House was attempting to deceive the public by claiming that the videos were deepfakes, arguing that Biden's deterioration was evident in real-time.

The Spectator Contributing Editor Stephen L. Miller suggested that a reporter should ask Jean-Pierre to define what she believes constitutes a deepfake.

Twitchy's Doug Powers mocked the White House's desperation, highlighting their attempt to convince the public that videos of Biden were not genuine.

New York Post journalist Mirana Devine accused Jean-Pierre of lying and using the term "deep fake" as a smokescreen to dismiss the videos.

Congressman Keith Seif of Texas expressed his belief that the Democrats were panic-stricken due to the release of the videos.

Former California State Senator Gloria Romero accused Jean-Pierre of being part of the "fake news" problem and claimed that her explanations were not credible.

The controversy surrounding the videos and the White House's denial of their authenticity has escalated into a bitter partisan dispute, with Republicans demanding transparency and the public questioning the truthfulness of the claims made by both sides.

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