White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

  • Karine Thompson
  • June 14, 2024 12:04pm
  • 356

The Biden administration is facing criticism for opposing a proposed pay raise for junior enlisted troops, as the military grapples with a severe recruitment shortage.

The Biden administration has drawn sharp criticism for vehemently opposing a significant pay increase for junior enlisted troops, despite facing a severe recruitment crisis that threatens the military's readiness.

The White House has stated that it "strongly opposes" the proposal to increase pay by nearly 20%, arguing that it would create an imbalance in the military's compensation system. However, veterans' advocacy groups and military experts have condemned this stance, contending that it ignores the urgent need to address the declining recruitment numbers.

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

"The number one priority for our military is getting that recruitment crisis under control, and increasing pay is a good way to do that," said Jeremy Hunt, chairman of Veterans on Duty. "The administration is sending a clear message that it is not committed to the well-being of our service members."

Hunt expressed astonishment at the administration's opposition to the pay hike, especially considering its recent approval of student loan forgiveness worth over $100 billion. "President Biden has no problem finding money for other priorities, but when it comes to our troops, he suddenly becomes concerned about costs?" Hunt asked.

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

He pointed out that inflation has surged by 20% since Biden took office, eroding the purchasing power of military salaries. "The least the president could do is increase military pay to keep up with the inflation that he caused," Hunt said.

Members of Congress from both parties have expressed support for the pay raise. Representative Adam Smith, a Democrat and ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, emphasized the need to support junior enlisted troops who are struggling to make ends meet and afford housing.

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

"Many of our junior enlisteds are struggling to afford housing as housing costs have gone up," Smith said. "Their pay has not kept pace."

According to the Department of Defense, the Army, Navy, and Air Force all fell short of their recruitment goals in the 2023 fiscal year, with the Army facing a particularly severe shortage of 23.4%.

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

White House Rejects Pay Raise for Enlisted Troops Amid Recruitment Crisis

Hunt argued that instead of opposing the pay raise, the administration should explore other avenues to reduce spending, such as eliminating "unrelated nonsense" that is often included in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

"When I was a platoon leader in the 3rd Infantry Division, several of my soldiers were living paycheck to paycheck," Hunt recalled. "I look now, and I say, why is that still a problem in our country? That should be the number one thing that lawmakers and our commander in chief should be seeking to address."

The White House's stance on the pay raise has drawn widespread criticism, with many questioning the administration's priorities and commitment to military readiness. As the recruitment crisis continues to worsen, the opposition to the pay hike threatens to further undermine the military's ability to attract and retain the necessary personnel.

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