Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

  • Jess Wisoky
  • June 23, 2024 11:04pm
  • 294

Dane County Supervisor Jeff Weigand condemns the World Naked Bike Ride held in Madison, calling it a "violation of freedom" for exposing nudity to children and adults alike.

In a fiery denunciation, Jeff Weigand, board supervisor of the 20th district in Dane County, Wisconsin, has vehemently condemned the recent World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) held in the state capitol, labeling it as "evil" and a violation of both individual and communal rights.

The WNBR, an international event advocating for liberal causes, has stirred controversy in Madison, with local parents voicing concerns about the exposure of nudity to children. Weigand, himself a father of five, expressed outrage at the event, calling for immediate action to protect the innocence of youth.

Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Weigand asserted that the government's primary duty is to safeguard innocence and promote the greater good, a duty violated by the public display of nudity. "When we see this type of behavior happening, especially to our children, it's absolutely appalling and we cannot allow it to happen," he emphasized.

Beyond the exposure of nudity, Weigand questioned the underlying motivations of the WNBR organizers, suggesting that their actions were driven by sinister intentions. "I absolutely believe that this is evil," he proclaimed. "Many people say it's about body positivity or protesting oil. They will stop at nothing to push their agenda on innocent bystanders."

Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

Weigand further lamented the inaction of local law enforcement, arguing that their failure to intervene against the naked cyclists was inexcusable. "It's really frustrating that law enforcement continues to allow it to happen, when it really shouldn't be taking place in the first place," he stated.

A recent bill introduced to the Wisconsin Senate aimed to prohibit the attendance of children at public events with nude adults, but the bill ultimately failed to pass. Despite the setback, Weigand vowed to continue fighting against such events, emphasizing the importance of protecting children's innocence.

Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

Wisconsin Official Calls Naked Bike Ride 'Evil'

"We're going to continue to raise this issue and fight against it because it's worth protecting the innocence of our children," he declared.

While some participants defended the ride as a celebration of body positivity and a protest against the petroleum industry, Weigand maintained that their freedom to protest should not infringe upon the rights of others. "When their freedom to protest violates my freedom, and it forces me to see something that I don't want to see or I don't want my children to see, that's a violation of my freedom, and that's a violation of my liberty," he argued.

As the controversy continues to simmer, Weigand has offered a poignant recommendation to the participants of the naked bike ride, urging them to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ. "We need to protect children," he implored. "And that's government's fundamental role as to protect innocence and and to protect good and to punish evil."

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