Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

  • Monique Kilback
  • August 26, 2024 01:03am
  • 160

Amid growing criticism of woke ideologies in education, Facebook has removed Hillsdale College's online course page on Marxism, socialism, and communism. The move has raised concerns about the suppression of intellectual diversity and free speech on social media platforms.

In a disturbing turn of events, Facebook has arbitrarily removed Hillsdale College's online courses page, right at the launch of a new course critical of Communism and Marxism. This censorship, lasting almost 100 hours, has undermined Hillsdale's mission to provide a classical education and foster intellectual freedom.

According to the college, the Facebook page had over 300,000 followers and was crucial for enrolling students in online courses. The timing of the removal, coinciding with the launch of the Marxist course, raises serious questions about Facebook's motivations and its commitment to open dialogue.

Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

Hillsdale College is known for its conservative Christian liberal arts curriculum and has seen a significant increase in applications in recent years. The college's focus on classical education and its rejection of woke ideologies have resonated with students and parents dissatisfied with the ideological drift of many U.S. universities.

Meta, Facebook's parent company, initially claimed that the page was taken down in error and was restored before receiving an inquiry. However, Hillsdale College maintains that the timing of the removal is highly suspicious and that Meta has not provided an adequate explanation.

Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

Emily Stack Davis, Hillsdale College's executive director of media relations and communications, expressed concern over the potential impact on enrollments and the denial of access to an academic course on repressive ideologies. "A third of our online course enrollments come via Facebook, the majority of them in the first days after we launch a course," she said. "We have potentially lost thousands of enrollees."

The removal of Hillsdale College's course page has sparked a debate over the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse. Critics argue that Facebook has become increasingly biased against conservative viewpoints and is using its power to suppress dissenting opinions.

Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

Woke Ideologies Silencing Academia: Hillsdale College Course on Marxism Removed by Facebook

The move also comes in the wake of Vice President Kamala Harris's announcement of a proposed federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries. This policy, reminiscent of Soviet-style economic policies, has been widely criticized by experts and economists.

The silencing of Hillsdale College's course on Marxism, along with the proposed price control measures, raises concerns about the erosion of free speech and the growing influence of progressive ideologies in American society. It is imperative that we protect academic freedom and encourage open and balanced discussions of all perspectives, even those that challenge our own beliefs.

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