Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

  • Alexys Friesen
  • September 20, 2024 04:04am
  • 254

A sudden explosion at Yellowstone National Park's Biscuit Basin on Tuesday sent tourists fleeing as debris and smoke filled the air. The incident left one hiker with severe burns after she fell through a thin crust over scalding water.

In a breathtaking and alarming incident, Yellowstone National Park's Biscuit Basin exploded on Tuesday, sending tourists scrambling for safety amidst falling debris and acrid smoke. The sudden eruption sent shockwaves through the popular tourist destination, leaving one hiker with severe burns.

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

The blast occurred shortly after noon, startling visitors who witnessed the eruption firsthand. Videos circulated on social media captured the moment the geyser exploded, sending a massive plume of steam and debris skyward. Tourists were seen running for cover, desperate to escape the falling rocks and debris.

Amidst the chaos, a 60-year-old hiker from New Hampshire suffered severe burns after she walked off-trail and broke through a thin crust that concealed scalding water beneath. She sustained second and third-degree burns to her lower leg, prompting a medical evacuation via helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center.

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

The National Park Service (NPS) responded swiftly to the incident, urging tourists to remain on designated trails and boardwalks in geothermal areas. Such areas are known for their fragile ground and thin crust that can hide scalding water just below the surface. Pets are also strictly prohibited in these zones.

The explosion at Biscuit Basin is a stark reminder of the volatile nature of Yellowstone's geothermal landscape. The park is home to over 10,000 geothermal features, including geysers, hot springs, and mud pots. These features are evidence of the ongoing volcanic activity beneath the park's surface.

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

Water temperatures within geysers like Old Faithful, the park's most iconic feature, can exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit deep within their plumbing systems. The NPS emphasizes the importance of respecting the park's natural features and adhering to safety guidelines.

This incident marks the first known thermal injury at the park this year. The investigation into the explosion is ongoing, and no further information has been released by the NPS.

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

Yellowstone Explosion Sends Tourists Scrambling for Safety

Yellowstone National Park welcomes millions of visitors each year, drawn by its stunning scenery, abundant wildlife, and unique geyser basins. However, the park's geothermal activity also poses a significant hazard, making it essential for visitors to follow safety precautions and heed NPS warnings.

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