Reviews: Fashion Nation: Style & Fame
Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a mobile game that allows players to manage their own virtual fashion boutique. Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a fashion and lifestyle game where players can live their dream life as fashion models. Players can control their own destiny by choosing what clothes to wear, what modeling jobs to take, and what to do with their free time. The game is heavily focused on social interaction, as players can chat with each other, go on dates, and attend parties. Graphics

Summary Fashion Nation: Style & Fame Android Info

Fashion Nation: Style & Fame

  • Alan Walker

Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a mobile game that allows players to manage their own virtual fashion boutique. Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a fashion and lifestyle game where players can live their dream life as fashion models. Players can control their own destiny by choosing what clothes to wear, what modeling jobs to take, and what to do with their free time. The game is heavily focused on social interaction, as players can chat with each other, go on dates, and attend parties.


Fashion Nation: Style & Fame features high-quality 3D graphics. The game's environment is colorful and realistic, and the characters are well-designed. The clothing and accessories in the game are also very well-designed, and players can clearly see the different brands and styles of clothing.


Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is easy to pick up and play. Players will start off by creating their own character, and then they will be able to start exploring the game world. The game's controls are straightforward and the gameplay is simple yet addicting. Players will spend most of their time managing their boutique, including stocking items, setting prices, and interacting with customers. There is also a social aspect to the game, as players can visit their friends' boutiques and compare their progress.

Replay Value

Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a game that can be played for a long time. There is no end goal, so players can keep coming back to manage their boutique and interact with customers. The game's simple gameplay and addicting nature make it easy to lose track of time while playing.


Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a fun and addicting game that offers players a lot of different activities to do. The game is heavily focused on social interaction, and players can chat with each other, go on dates, and attend parties. The graphics are colorful and bright, and the clothing and accessories in the game are well-designed. The gameplay is simple and easy to understand, and the game has high replay value.

  • Fashion Nation: Style & Fame is a great game for those who love fashion and want to be famous
  • The game allows you to be creative and express yourself through your fashion choices
  • You can interact with other players and make new friends through the game.
  • The game is very addicting and you may find yourself spending a lot of time playing it
  • The game may be expensive for some people.